Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Underwater Pack | DOWNLOAD | DEMO

  • 3,012 views, 1 today
  • 647 downloads, 0 today
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Level 39 : Artisan Miner

What does this pack contain?

  1. Squid: +4

  2. Whales: +3

  3. Turtles: +3

  4. Anchors: +6

  5. Sponges: +45

  6. Algae: +20

  7. Sea stars: +36

  8. Chests with treasure: +6

  9. Marlin (fish): +3

  10. Dolphin: +3

  11. Shells: +3

  12. Crabs: +3

  13. Hammerhead shark: +3

  14. Colorful fish: +12

  15. Coverall: +1

  16. Big seahorses: +11

  17. Small seahorses: +11

  18. Bubbles: +2

    Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/VMR5GVZ5NB
    Buy: https://builtbybit.com/resources/underwater-pack.41568/

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