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This is an airship I've been working on for a bit. I can't decide what to call it but Khanaris' skyfish and aerwhale shuttle inspired me. It can fly with zeppelin mod (around 1000 blocks).
there are 3 sets of dispensers: one at the pilot's seat that fires four dispensers and two gun ports with two dispensers each that require a piston to lift the operator into it.
feel free to use it, just give credit if it's public.
please, comment!
there are 3 sets of dispensers: one at the pilot's seat that fires four dispensers and two gun ports with two dispensers each that require a piston to lift the operator into it.
feel free to use it, just give credit if it's public.
please, comment!
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1 Update Logs
Update #1 : by Elmeerkat 11/11/2011 10:11:54 pmNov 11th, 2011
Edited the gun ports so only one lever is required to open them and updated the schematic
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