Minecraft Maps / Underground Structure

USG Ishimura 1:1 Scaled Interior

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InternetInk's Avatar InternetInk
Level 23 : Expert Architect
So, my first big project. So please do not be so hard.
The USG Ishimura from Dead Space <3

I've started to recreate it completely from the inside. (1:1 Skaled)
That will take a while. But I'm confident.
In the pictures, everything is still in its raw state, but it will be detailed later.
I will make a texturepack later on.

Once I'm done with the intact version of the USG Ishimura, I'll rebuild the story with monsters and tasks in order to drive forward the story.
Progress10% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by InternetInk 08/07/2011 2:49:30 pmAug 7th, 2011

So, the First Update after some Days...

I had to downgrade my version of Minecraft, because now I can use the Light-Bug of the Steps.

I Added a Screen of the Tram Station from the Crew-Deck

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10/17/2013 12:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AviciiPL's Avatar
Hey, is this project dead? :/
Military Minecraft
08/18/2013 10:17 am
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Military Minecraft's Avatar
Looks like a great project, would love to see it finished!
05/02/2013 6:09 am
Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
necroslasher's Avatar
no updates, is this project dead?
03/03/2013 8:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
test001's Avatar
Actually, I downloaded your map and edited it, It was awesome.
Using tekkit, I lighted every single room aboard, and wired it
all to a single lever connected to the engine. Also lighted the outside
of the ship with the green/blue lights that you see in the game.

Unfortunatly, the map got corrupted. I would like to help out again; Are you interested?
01/29/2013 4:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
disasterRUS's Avatar
Very much I love dead space,can I download this map as it now? Google translator . I'm from Russia
Cyber Saint
08/05/2012 8:14 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Modder
Cyber Saint's Avatar
there is ishimura already 82 % done so u stated this for nthn

chexk before u do
08/06/2012 6:05 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
InternetInk's Avatar
I know that, but unlike him/her I want to build a 1:1 COPY of the Game and not a "looks like".
08/03/2012 7:58 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
Skull19's Avatar
Thank you man for your first project you have done EXCELLENT! No one has ever done this and I can see you've studied your Dead Space areas. Can't wait to make an adventure map out of this along with a mod so my sister and I can play.
07/02/2012 7:39 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
Escape_pod's Avatar
Holy crap. Dead space is my favorite game... and minecraft is my second favorite game... That is just fucking awesome, forgive my language but it is worthy.
07/03/2012 9:51 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
InternetInk's Avatar
Currently this is extremely outdated, still the old 1.4 but I will continue it with the release of 1.5!
The new Stuff there and in the current Version will give me some awesome possibilities to create a uniqe adventure.
