Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Star Trek USS Valiant NCC-74210

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RoyalDonut's Avatar RoyalDonut
Level 41 : Master Engineer
USS Valiant NCC-74210 was a 24th century Federation Defiant-class starship operated by Starfleet. The Valiant was launched from theAntares Ship Yards in 2372. It was assigned as a training ship for the elitecadet corps Red Squad under the command of Captain Ramirez.

interior: 20%
exterior: 100%

scale 1:1

All was built in survival mode on server majncraft.cz
dynmap here 
Progress75% complete

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10/05/2015 5:38 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
I don't know where you find the time to do all this, but keep it up!  ;)
