Minecraft Maps / Other

Valen Docks | Part I

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Valkarth's Avatar Valkarth
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Hey guys, Valkarth here. I am adding a new part to the Valen Project, but because this is 100% complete from the rest of the build, I decided to upload it. I hope you guys enjoy the work that I've put into the build. I will be working on the Sapphire Throne next, and that will have a world download, then the housing, and finally then the farms. Once there complete there will be a final, and it will have a world download for exploration and even interior design. Sorry if the pictures are basic, I don't know how to do all the editing stuff.

Lore of Valen:
The city of the lakes. Set in the middle of 2 large lakes, which is then surrounded by a large Taiga Biome, giving the city a beautiful, immersive look, the city sits in the middle of all of that, with 2 entrances, making the city almost completely symmetrical. The town is that way to defend both north and south flanks from the lakes which are filled with ships of trade or pirating. Valen has never really been in any large raids or battles, and that is due to its alliance with the capital of all Evla, Valu. Valu is centered at the southern middle of Evla in the plains. Valu being the capital of Evla, has ships prepared for any attacks on Valen, and Valen in return supplies Valu, and most other cities in Evla with fish from both lakes, wood from the large forest that surrounds it and wheat from the Golden Fields of Lake Reath (One of 2 large lakes on the Continent). Along with that, the people that live there are more then happy to lend a hand, because hard work is an honor and to live there a privilege. Outside of the walls of Valen, is the docks, south west of the Sapphire Throne (Name of the Valen Castle). There are inns and homes, ship work buildings, and ship delivery. Nobody in Valen is actually poor, due to the rejection of anyone who is not willing to put in the work as a honest citizen would, making it the cleanest city in all of Evla.

If you haven't seen my recent uploads go and check them out. Valen will soon be ready for download. Sapphire Throne is next and will have a download, so subscribe and diamond for updates and more parts of lore coming to this part of Evla!
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Valkarth 04/16/2017 5:25:43 pmApr 16th, 2017

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09/12/2018 10:40 pm
Level 24 : Expert Archer
Aphaloria's Avatar
04/29/2018 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
FearsomeMC-playerY's Avatar
02/18/2018 3:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iiPrizzy's Avatar
Download link?
04/18/2017 5:58 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
RoboTechX's Avatar
Out of curiosity, do you use a plugin version of worldedit or a mod version?
04/18/2017 6:25 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Valkarth's Avatar
Mod, with forge
04/16/2017 5:21 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
sirBlake_'s Avatar
Did you design the ships, they look damn fine !
04/16/2017 5:23 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Valkarth's Avatar
Well with WE in SP, you only have to make 1 ship. It is such a huge help, and conquest pack also helps.
