Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Marshwood - Dormian Empire #WeAreConquest

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Sir Rodski's Avatar Sir Rodski
Level 38 : Artisan Architect

Today I present to you Talverton Castle. The castle is situated on an island in the middle of the Marshwood connected by two bridges. At the beginning of each bridge stands a huge gate as a first line of defence. The castle and bridges are the only way into the Dormian Empire from the north and are therefore the first line of defence. Talverton Castle is also important for merchants to be able to get in or out of the empire. Everyone who want's to cross the bridge needs to pay money. This has made the local baron, who rules the castle and nearby lands, very rich. On the Dormian side of the swamp lies a little village called Onstead.

The ruler of the Marshwood is Baron Louis Héroux. His family has been ruling the swamp for many centuries. Eventhough the barons lands are small, he is a very rich man, because it's the only way in and out of the empire over land in the north. The baron and his lands are a part of the Dormian Empire and has sworn his loyalty to the imperial family.

Because of the very well defended postion of the bridges and castle, the baron only has a small amount of soldiers. Recently the Dormian Empress, Lianna Isabelle Gauliet I, has been sending a detachment of soldiers to reinforce the Marshwood. Tensions have been growing between the empire and the free city state of Kingshall, whitch lies nearby.

Progress of the project

This project is a part of a much larger project: the Dormian Empire. Over a year ago I started using the Conquest Reforged mod and have been renovating my projects ever since. Two years ago I posted the first version of Onstead and the bridge over the swamp. Back then it was build in vanilla minecraft.

Are you interested in more of my projects? Check out my recently finished city Kingshall! https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/kingshall---dormian-empire/

Don't forget to leave a diamond and subscribe to stay up to date about this and many other projects i'm building!

Kind regards,
Sir Rodski

Follow me on Twitter to stay up to date with my projects:

Conquest Reforged Mod:
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Sir Rodski 12/28/2017 1:45:37 pmDec 28th, 2017

The project is finished!

- Finished creating nature around the village
- Furnished all houses
- Added a ruined farm
- Finished roads

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12/30/2017 5:53 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Puncher
fov360's Avatar
What a lovely place, good idea to "renovate" and use the conquest reforged mod. The great hall is a beauty.
Sir Rodski
12/30/2017 7:55 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Sir Rodski's Avatar
Thank you! That's nice to hear :) The conquest Reforged mod is such a great tool to create these medieval/fantasy kind of builds.
12/28/2017 2:20 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
FruitHoopz's Avatar
Very nice, what's the texture pack you're using ?
Sir Rodski
12/28/2017 2:34 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Sir Rodski's Avatar
Thank you! I'm using the Conquest Reforged mod.
12/18/2017 6:51 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Pirate
Refreshinq_'s Avatar
Very pretty nice job :)
Sir Rodski
12/19/2017 3:14 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Sir Rodski's Avatar
Thank you! :)
06/01/2015 4:13 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Awesome!  I love the windmill and the bridges!  ;)
Sir Rodski
06/01/2015 5:00 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Sir Rodski's Avatar
Thanks! :D
