Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Vulture-Class Droid Starfighter

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Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity

this is a type of droid from "Star Wars".
It was used by the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
During the space battle of Naboo which ended the Trade Federation's blockade of the planet, vulture droids destroyed many of Naboo's N-1 Starfighters.
The version I built is painted in Trade Federation colors.

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09/02/2020 3:12 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Caveman
These droids are so cool, It kinda suprised me when I saw it without the CIS colors, but it looks really good!
09/02/2020 6:56 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Yeah, the reason for it not being in CIS colors (which would have looked a lot cooler) is that there are no blue stairs or slabs in Minecraft. Like, none at all, not even some close to blue. The closest would be dark prismarine or warped wood but that's much more green than blue.
So, that's why I decided to make it in Trade Federation colors.
And thank you, I'm glad you like it anyways :)
