Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

The Alchemist - A vanilla minecraft agrarian skies with only 2 command blocks

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TheRedEngineer's Avatar TheRedEngineer
Level 94 : Overlord Engineer
Click on "Minecraft World Save" to get the commands
Scroll down for wiki and crafting recipes.
The Alchemist - A vanilla minecraft agrarian  skies with only 2 command blocks Minecraft Map
Once you created the world, you have to change your gamemode in creative ( /gamemode 1 ) and write in chat this command to place a block: /setblock ~ ~ ~ stone.
Now you have to place two command blocks one on top of each other, paste the first command in the bottom one and the second command in the upper one.
After that, power only the bottom command block and watch the magic!
                          Video Guides
Episode 1 - How to start, water & lava production
Episode 2 - Expanding the island and making the first mob farm

Custom Crafting Recipes - click to reveal
Note: to craft this items, you have to drop the stated items on ground. Do not use crafting tables or dispensers.
Blocks - click to reveal
Ores - click to reveal
undefined+undefined=undefined(Drop on a Iron Furnace)
undefined+undefined=undefined(Drop on a Iron Furnace)
undefined=Gold can be produced only by killing Zombie Pigmans

Items - click to reveal
undefined+undefined=undefined(silkworm egg)
undefined+undefined=undefined(Expert Alchemist egg)
undefined=undefined(drop on a Iron Furnace)
Machines - click to reveal
2xundefined+4xundefined+undefined=undefined(Block Breaker)

A Block Breaker breakes cobblestone blocks one block under it. Use it to automate your cobblestone farm. Cobblestone is a very important material in this "modpack" because is used to produce Lava, an other important material.
You need to power a Block Breaker by placing a Coal Block on top of it.
One coal block will add 5 minutes of autonomy to a Block Breaker.
Infinite Block Breakers can be placed in the same world.
Break the Block Breaker to get back the "block breaker egg".

undefined+undefined=undefined(Power Pulser)
A Power Pulser is a block that pulses redstone signal in all his sides. You can use it to automate the dirt farm by placing it on the top of a Organic Decomposer or to make other machineries.
Break the Power Pulser to get back the "Power Pulser egg".
You can build a Basic Furnace by Placing a cauldron on a lava source.

You can build an Iron Furnace following this GIF. Remember to stay in the cauldron before placing the iron blocks.

You can build a Organic Decomposer By placing a cauldron on top of a hopper (hopper facing down, not facing on other sides).
Drop 16 leaves (one by one, not stacked) on the organic composer to transform them into dirt.
You can make all this process automatic by placing a dispenser 2 blocks above the cauldron and a Power Pulser adjacenct to the dispenser.
If you break the Power Pulser, you will get back the "Power Pulser Egg".

Special Craftings Items+Blocks - click to reveal
Drop a undefined on a Dirt Block to transform it in Grass block. You will get an empty bucket back.
Drop a undefined on a Dead Bush to transform it in a Cactus.
Drop a undefined on a Grass Block to transform it into sugar canes.
Drop a undefined on Still Water to transform it into Clay Blocks.
Drop a undefined on a Cauldron to collect his water in the cauldron.
Drop an undefined on a Cauldron filled with Water to take the water in the bucket.
Drop a undefined on a Basic Furnace (see "Machines" spoiler for more info) to transform it into Charcoal.
Drop a undefined on a Iron Furnace (see "Machines" spoiler for more info) to transform it into Coal.
Place a undefined (Silkworm Egg) on Oak Leaves to infest them. Random leaves in a 3x3x3 area will change into Cobwebs.
Drop 4xundefined on a Basic Furnace to melt it into lava (you will get a bucket of lava. (drop blocks one by one, not stacked)
Drop 16xundefined on a Organic Decomposer to transform them in Dirt. (drop leaves one by one, not stacked)
Place a undefined on top of a Block Breaker to add 5 minutes of autonomy to it.
Metal Cores - click to reveal
There is a total of 3 metal cores in this command. Metal cores are simple structures of blocks that will allow the player to get Diamond ores, Emerald ores or End Portal frames.

In order to build a core you will need 6+1 blocks.

- For a Lapis core you will need 6 coal blocks + 1 lapis ore. This core will generate a diamond ore. The GIF explains how to build it. The player has to stay on top of a core to make it transform.

- You can build a Golden Core with 6 Coal Blocks and 1 Gold Block. Remember that gold can be produced only by killing Zombie Pigmans.

- You can build an Emerald Core with 6 Iron Blocks and 1 Emerald Block.

Spoiler - How to start

- Total length of the commands: 49'594 characters 
- maximum place in one command block:  32'767 characters 

-Time spent to make this command: more than 20 hours

You can use this .PNG image in your video thumbnails.
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by TheRedEngineer 06/22/2015 8:04:28 pmJun 22nd, 2015

Added a "How to Start" guide.

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08/11/2019 9:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Fatty31's Avatar
Exlain me one thing what version is this map for?
01/31/2020 3:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
alexzander700's Avatar
06/03/2018 10:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thecommandblockbook's Avatar
Please help, I cant find the command! It says I need to click on ''minecraft world save'', but I cant find it! Please HELP !
06/03/2018 10:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thecommandblockbook's Avatar
O never mind I just use Red's website
06/03/2018 10:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thecommandblockbook's Avatar
of minecraft:coarse_dirt can't paste in the first command completely
05/22/2018 4:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
strek's Avatar
can someone say me the command becaus i can't see him
so che sei italiano se lo leggi rispondimi ti prego mi piace molto come serie
06/22/2018 3:02 pm
Level 94 : Overlord Engineer
TheRedEngineer's Avatar
I comandi sono qui in fondo alla pagina:
04/14/2017 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Omegabrow's Avatar
I don't know if anyone else is having this problem but the first command is cut off towards the end and I can't get the full command, if someone could tell me what comes after "{Command:/fill ~2 ~-2 ~3 ~-2 ~-2 ~19 stone_slab2 8},Time:1,DropItem:0,Riding:" it would be very appreciated.
06/03/2018 10:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thecommandblockbook's Avatar
Same here posted the same comment. I can see half of the letters at the end, wich I did copy, but then that other command is in the way.

11/21/2016 7:11 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Birb
Nattehine's Avatar
This is crazy!! I'm gonna play it right now!
