Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

WW2 BattleCruiser

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Petrussen's Avatar Petrussen
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
I am back, with something bigger.
Fictional 2nd-World-War-Era BattleCruiser

Why battlecruiser not battleship?
Its armour cant stand many TNTs detonated in one place, as i tested.
Test result - copied and then damaged central ship part - is also included in map.

Finished Outside and Inside (ofc, there might be a room i forgot to fill)

General Characteristic:

Lenght/Height/Width: 190/55/23

Armour: Full-lenght armoured deck; belt armour and anti torpedo bulge covered area betwee first and last main gun turrets.
Several armoured Bulkheads.

Propulsion: 6 Mazut-propelled Boilers and 6 Turbines; in separate hull sections, powering 3 proppelers.

Aircraft: 3 recon hydroplanes, with hangar and catapult in very rear part of the ship.

Crew: 2 watches
berths onboard (for one watch at a time:

Beds in officers cabins:35
Other Crewman berths: ~250 ( way too less than it would be need in real to operate so big ship )

Crew living space includes also: big wardroom, chapel, cinema room, library, laundry.


Turrets: 4 triple 11 inch - working by command-block: each gun summoning 3 primed TNT with motion.

8 dual 5 inch - also operating summonable TNT (2 TNT per gun)

Broadside salvo weight 52 TNT

Anti Aircraft: 20x dual dispenser fireball cannons
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Finished : by Petrussen 10/23/2015 4:10:18 pmOct 23rd, 2015

I hope i didnt forgot to include anything important ;)

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10/23/2015 11:38 am
Level 49 : Master Lad
Wooouh's Avatar
lol this looks like mightier and heavier than the yamato.The battlecruisers had the same armament as the battleships,but had thinner armour.So this can be called the SuperBattleShip (oficially,and you can rename it :D)
I like this as much as i can.You earned a diamond,a favorite and of course a subscriber :)
10/23/2015 1:56 pm
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
Petrussen's Avatar
Thanks for comment, but my ship wouldnt be any challenge for Yamato. That battleship was twice as wide as my battlecruiser :D

Anyway, I'm going to make some tests, detonating some tnt's on armour belt.
10/23/2015 2:27 pm
Level 49 : Master Lad
Wooouh's Avatar
Its not a battlecruiser i told you :D
This is the largest battleship in minecraft that i've ever seen :D
If you want,i can do the tests ;)
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