Minecraft Maps / Complex

YogLabs [Replica] 1.6+ w/Resourcepack and Now with TechnicPacks!

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Dwarf
Check out the snapshot/1.8 teaser video here
Check out the CDG snapshot teaser map here

+ Main Map alt dl -> Dropbox

TechnicPack Map V0.8.6.6

refer to spoiler and update log for packs n' content notes.

 Mods Map:   Mediafire  Dropbox 
 1.6.4 Technicpack (added bacteria mod and fixed mob death crash[had to remove metaworlds])
(1.6.2 pack in spoiler [less compatible])

Click to reveal Technickpack notes
*lmk if u run into any crashes; a log would be very helpful. 

I Suggest using 1.6.4 Lite[r] pack for map as it has more compatible mods.

1.6.2 Phat ver: 37 Mods:

pls +1 the Technicpacks them there are alot of broken yoglabs packs mine were late

Spoiler - click to reveal Mod content in map
* means availible in 1.6.2Phatpack

- Metaworlds!
-*Customnpcs mod
-*Gregs lighting 
-*Light Bridges (not finished)
- Mechs
-*Modular Powersuits (armor stands from bibliocraft)
-*Stargate Content (clues and chevron block, also refer to journal by stargate for address')
-*Girlfriend Island (with mobs)
- Gravity walls to physical therapy dept.
-*Jammy Furniture
-*Archimedes Ships (updated)
- Borderlands weapons mod items in Deep Search III

Techniclauncher Newbie instructions :)
Techniclauncher is one of the many ways to load mods into minecraft first go to their site and then download and install the launcher and it should place 
1. grab the Platform url (link) from the page 
2. then in technic launcher click add new pack then click paste 
3. then click play and it will download everything you need (may take up to 10 mins)

How to add the Map content:
4. find your .technic folder (next to .minecraft in Roaming)
5. Open modpacks folder then locate the yoglabs-light-pack-with-mechs folder and open it.
6. Then place the map in saves and the resourcepack in resourcepacks >.<

You will need a resourcepack 
 + Resourcepack  Mediafire Dropbox
 + Resourcepack + Soundtrack (Intro Song,etc refer to update log) Mediafire Dropbox 
 + Resourcepack + Soundtrack for 1.7 Mediafire Dropbox
 + Luigis HD Resourcepack LINK

Build Team: Big thanks to these guys who helped get this project up-to-date.
Luigi: Robot Rebellion, Battle Bots, Tunnel in Bigger Boats, T-Rex Skull, Clone Section, cave exit for S.S.Esperanto, Robocop, and Mod Content 
happyguy: Clone Section (Main), Custom items and Mod Content 
tgspy: Various spruce ups and Redstone Advisor
 Staff Corridor

MineMan: Redstone (Clone Section)
ssjdexter: Clone Section 
DaGingi: Clone Section

Entrance Coordinates are -775 69 -971

Alo! This is a scale replica of YogLabs. It will take u a good couple of hours to walk through the labs. Maany hours were put into the build. It's a very close replica, 90% give or take. Plenty of little easter eggs and a lot of attention to detail. 
I'm not a part of The Yogscast or The Voxelbox, just a big fan.

Dont forget Di-a-monds! :D or favorites it helps me tell players our quality of work

List of Completed areas (out of date too many changes >.< one day tho)
-Clone Lab*
-Mech Storage Facility*
-Robot Factory*
-Staff Corridor and Executive Boardroom*
-Fire Simulation in Holo Hall*
-Cave exit in Ships Room*
-Deep Storage and Search*
-Updated Coffee Break hall also added Trampoline Room*
*Secret Rooms in Deep Search III Maintenance Closet* >.<

-Coffee break room "working"
-Main Hall
-Honeydew's Office (now with Jammy Furniture ;) [and hidden easter egg]
-Space control room
+A Bigger Boat Showcase Rooms
-*Project Snuggy* (working)
-Green Pastures
-Bort n Sahsha's chambers -added bubbles!!:D
-Sokuban Showcase area
-BBQ Lounge
-S.S. Esperanto (working)
-Medical Bay
+Physical Therapy Dept.
+Injury Ward
+X-Ray Machine Room(working)
+Complaint Dept.
-Security Wing
-Server Room
-Buy-Kea Room=mods or Psudo-Random Magnetic Field Displacment Coordinator=unmodded

-Wave Maka
-Ender Dragon Nest
-Alpha Ver. Owlkin Ahmbush!

-Lewis' parking space >.<
-opening scene from first episode

Additional Notes

-Tanviir by The Voxelbox was released for public download!
It was used in Mechs vs Mobzilla, Iron Dwarf, and the H.M.S Pernus is from it lol
check it out here! http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/tanviir-a-world-of-high-fantasy/

-Also here is a Yoglabs map with a much better landscape and the inside is from the first couple of episodes def worth a diamond http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/yoglabs-map-project-revision-01-resourcepack-included/

Texture Pack is a necessity as YogLabs is a very complicated build.

Textures used in map: The Voxelbox's Scientific, Deep Space, and Modern, Sphax'sBdcraft/GrungeBDcraft 

Server (SMP) Notes:
- must add
 enable-command-blocks=true to the server properties file to use elevator
- To help with lag use the clearlagg plugin with bukkit to limit entity spawn (read steps to prevent loss of items)
 1. first change the clearlagg config to not remove paintings us ctrl+F to find all the sections and change to false
 2. (optional) change all remove minecarts to false [theydo cause lag tho, and used minorly in map]
 3. type /lagg killmobs this removes all animals but not villagers.
CreditThe door, landscaping, and jaffa factory were originally done by Conor Dukking and his build team but I have since redone a lot of the outside, and of course Yogscast for the awesome moments and the Voxelbox for the texture packs
Progress90% complete

25 Update Logs

Update #25 : by Ju5T 07/08/2014 7:19:39 amJul 8th, 2014

------------Minor Mods Map update

1.6.4 Litepack
- Removed Metaworlds mod (this fixes the mob kill crash everyone was getting)
- Added following mods
 + Bacteria Mod
 + Optifine
 + Tornados and weather mod
1.6.2 Phatpack
 + Moved Orespawn to optional folder to get hamsters working

(mods from newest episodes of YogLabs can be found in the yogscast complete pack availible here)

- Added bacteria experimentation room
- Various fixes, "maintenance closet" spruce ups 

Next Updates: 1.7 map is still in dev, I thought 1.8 would have been released by now.. so I may acually release the 1.7 map but the only major change was the chronometric room which is available through tgspys links.
If i do ever make a adventure map or quests it will most likely be when 1.8 gets released and mods update.

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04/28/2019 7:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
welp looks like the map and modpack are dead. the modpack gives me an error in the forge log files saying that there's a "binary discrepancy"
10/29/2018 7:03 am
Level 37 : Artisan System
How do I download without mods ?
11/13/2017 12:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
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12/01/2018 4:37 pm
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
uh... what?
07/13/2017 7:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
How do i download????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
06/14/2017 1:57 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
The regular map download link doesn't work anymore. Instead it redirects me to the modded map download page.
02/05/2017 11:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
how do I get the intro music to work????
06/12/2016 9:15 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
bro this mod pack no longer works :( whenever i goto use it, it just closes and goes back to the launcher!!, all my other mod packs work is there specific settings I need to use?
04/15/2016 4:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
I just need the morph mod (which I am gonna install later) and that mod with the hamsters (and the resource pack for the full affect)
11/18/2015 7:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
this mod pack no longer works :( whenever i goto use it, it just closes and goes back to the launcher!!, all my other mod packs work is there specific settings I need to use?
