Minecraft Servers

~* Iron Hearts and Star-Lit Skies *~ ((Now OPEN!))

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Rosie_Rose's Avatar Rosie_Rose
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
~* Iron Hearts and Star-Lit Skies *~ ((Now OPEN!))
Status Offline Pinged: 05/30/24
United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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We run a Grey-List! So feel free to come on server and check us out BEFORE you apply! Saves you time and lets you get a taste before you commit your time!

Posted Image Server IP: rp.ourironhearts.com Posted Image

Posted ImageForum Address (Apply Here)Posted Image


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Mods we will be fully using!:

More Player Models


Why this mod? Well its one of a kind! nothing gives our players more freedom to customize then this!

A big thanks to Noppes for such excellent work!

Eliwood's Custom Sound Pack


Eliwood has kindly put his time and effort into reworking Minecrafts sound to fit the Rp theme we are aiming to create!

Posted ImageWhat is Iron Hearts?Posted Image

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Iron Heart and Star-Lit Skies is an Alternate World where magic and technology meld together into a

beautiful world of capability and growth. It holds deep love for the player and the world it builds to give people exponential ways to live. But with the joy of magical and technological ability aside, it is also filled with danger, intrigue, and political strife. The world has just ended a Unification War and not everyone one is happy with the results. At the same time an ancient Demerian artifact called The Tether has given this otherwise safe world a portal to an asteroid filled with dangerous creatures but limitless material gain. In a world of risk vs. reward, the world is left to the players and not even the sky is the limit.

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Posted ImageWhy Come and Roleplay on Iron Hearts?Posted Image

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Iron Hearts and Star-Lit Skies is unique in the fact that we go back to Minecraft RP's roots. We are not focusing on building new structures and cities when the server role play goes live, but instead giving players a set world so they can focus on expanding their character and fleshing them out to what they want them to be. With mature themes and deep ideas at it's core, Iron Hearts and Star-Lit Skies would rather you thinking about who you need to talk to next, rather than how much iron you'll need.

Posted ImageIron Heart's Setting and BuildsPosted Image

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Iron Hearts and Star-Lit Skies is home to many unique cities that fill an overarching ideal of the Early industrial Revolution. With the main city, the Province of Gearheart, factories and soot fill the open spaces as the elite experience wealth beyond their wildest dreams and the poor suffer even worse. Outside the walls the gap is bridged, but only ever so slightly. Not every city has the touch of iron to it and as such must get by however it can. Remote villages and ranches make whatever profit they can supplying the main city with goods and resources, aiming to gain favor with the elite while the lower class aim to get by just about anywhere. Even the lowest of the low buckle up and leap onto the asteroid, mining for precious minerals and metals while trying to survive harsh climates and dangerous creatures. A veritable Gilded Age, Iron Hearts and Star-Light Skies gives you a beautiful cover for a gritty world beneath.

Iron Hearts and Star-Lit Skies has a unique theme of racial tension, having the focal point of the Tether and as such, a very strong and alluring source of magic. This attracts many people, humans and otherwise. With very xenophobic humans, they have resorted to calling non-humans "Xenos" in a very derogatory manner, seperating themselves as much as possible. Even the lowest of humans are treated higher than many 'xenos'. The dangerous jobs such as mining on the asteroid and running supply lines for the military are delgated to 'xenos' as they are deemed "Too dangerous" for human life. Many humans share these views and any human who shows otherwise are often exiled from the community as well. Even 'xenos' who rise in power and wealth are hated by many, for there is no escaping race and species.

Iron Hearts of those who rule, Star-Lit Skies of hope out of reach, this world is an unforgiving place, and those who inhabit it know all to well how easy it is to die.

Posted ImageOpen Lore Policy and Open RacePosted Image

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Our server practices a newly forming idea among roleplay servers dubbed "Open Race and Open Lore" in a nutshell: Most servers give you a collection of arbitrarily chosen races and tell you to fit your story into such. In Iron Hearts, you will find no such limitations we merely break down the races into two groups:

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Native dwellers of the world, founders of the Dominion of Rhineland and the dominate race on the world, They number in the billions and are the rules of the planet Belamun. They have existed for ages now and are advanced in many ways and equally backwards, It has been bred into humanity to fear anything None-Human and to rightful hate them.

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Whether it be a fluke of the gene pool or one of the many races that where encountered while mining in prior moons and asteroids and brought down to live in designated areas, The Xeno's can be anything, limited only by player creativity. A Xeno is anything that is not truly a pure human. Xeno's can be anything. Over the course of history the Dominion has tethered hundreds of small planets and meteors. On some of these, sentient races exist, the races are offered two choices, eradication or client status in the Dominion. The race is cut down to merely several thousands and they are permitted to reside on the planet of Belamun.

Posted ImageRules And RegulationsPosted Image

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  • The server is meant for a more mature audience. Our preferred target age is 18+ due to some ongoing mature themes. However, there can be exceptions to this rule.

  • No hacking or using software/programs that will give you an advantage over other players (e.g. Movement mods, Fly mods, X-Ray texture packs, hacking clients)

  • No abusing Minecraft or plugin bugs.

  • No harassing the Moderators or Admins for anything.

  • Be as literate as you can. 1337 2p3@k or chatspeak is unacceptable.

  • Whitelist rights (being promoted from a [P]hantom to a Citizen) will not be gained until your character application is approved on the forums and we have judged you to understand the rules and spirit of this server. Asking a moderator or admin to whitelist you will result in a longer time in obtaining them.

  • If you allow your friends to play on your account, fine by us, but whatever rules they break are your responsibility too.

  • You may play maximum two characters per account, but you may own several accounts.

  • If you are banned from the server, you lose every right to apply for staff.

Roleplaying Code of Conduct

  • Try to stay in character at all times and use the OOC channel (accessible by typing /ooc) when not in character.
    - To denote that your character is doing an action, use *action* speak (e.g. "Good to see you, friend. *hugs*")
    - No powerplaying. Your character has to react realistically according to their age, personality and physical health. (e.g. Don't pretend that you can easily escape from your pursuers if they managed to shoot an arrow into your knee and have you cornered.) More on this topic in Roleplaying 101.
    - Meta-gaming is not tolerated. This includes spreading IC information OOCly, planning beforehand how something is roleplayed etc. It might be frustrating, but remember that in realistically in those times, most information was passed from mouth-to-mouth. More on this topic in Roleplaying 101.
    - You can only roleplay as your own character and cannot speak for the actions of others. The only exceptions are if you are controlling your pets/livestock or children who are not being played by another person.
    - Stick to your profession, please! If you are a soldier, don't go and start farming. Trading is highly encouraged to get items that you need.
    - If you PermaKill or PermaLeave your character, you must post a thread on the forum detailing their death/reason why they left and make a new character application on the forums. During this time, please do not go on the server as you technically do not have a character to play with yet. You are more than welcome to chill in Mumble or browse the forums though!
    - Use relevant skins that match the description of your character given in your application - if your character undergoes a transformation that results in the change of their appearance (eg. A horizontal scar over their right eye), by all means, go right ahead and change the skin to reflect that.

Posted ImageFull Rule List Laid out Here!Posted Image


Posted ImageRegiment Combat System and Unique System of CommandPosted Image

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While the world chokes under black smog and thick clouds, the rallied strength of a world united presses its attack on the forgone and frozen ice covered moon of Erebus. Erebus is a deserted and bleak, sunless moon that hangs in orbit around the world. Dangerous arctic shifts and rock bottom temperatures with blistering and fatal blizzards make this moon wrapped in perpetual night and frozen hell. Only the near limitless ore under its surface brings the hard and bitter veterans to the forefront of the fight.The silence of a frozen world is only broken by the thunder of heavy guns and the rapid clatter of riflemen. Join into the fray to experience the tension of old world static combat against the brutal and violent natives of Erebus, as they try hard to split the skulls of the men and women that seek to recover the valuable ores and near limitless wealth that hides under Erebus's frozen shell.

Whether your standing firm, rifle pointed down range, gun powder veiling your vision or your stuck in the crush of melee combat, with blades and magic in time. Combat with the festering hordes of beasts on Erebus has never been more intense. Even the men of the artillery arm and prepare to slug out hard fought trench warfare with the unending tide of horrors and vile beast Erebus spews forth every light-less day. At the end of the day, the shelled and blasted hell scrape and the hard fought grit and blood of the infantry only ensures the lines movement forward, ready to grind and fight again.

Mystery and danger fill the life of those seeking to enjoy the brutality of military service. Your character servers tours of duty each lasting a designated amount of time, before they are shipped back to patrol and keep peace in the gritty and dangerous underworld of the gleaming metropolises. On the field not only do you need to watch the enemy before you, you must keep watch for your commanders. Attached to each regiment is a Commissar, tasked with keeping order and discipline at any cost. You would do well to follow orders, lest you provoke the ire of these terrifying avatars of the State.

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Posted ImageWho are we behind Iron Hearts?Posted Image

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With a highly experienced admin team and effective and highly versed knowledge of Bukkit and the Minecraft scene, we come to bring you a world unique to Minecraft RP, and possibly in many respects roleplay in general!

Our staff together has more then fifty years of roleplay experience! We know what it is like to roleplay in a server run by those who aren't roleplayers themselves! This is a server by roleplayers, for roleplayers! We are here to make this the greatest RP server, in Minecraft history!

Posted ImageWOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE? . . .Posted Image

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We have our worlds set,and our permission system in order. BUT we are always looking for talent in key areas! If you have prior knowledge and suitable experience or demo's proof of your ability, don't hesitate to apply! Our staff and crew is more then excited to welcome you in with open arms!

Graphic Artists! - Men and women that are willing to make our threads and signatures shine! we are looking for skilled artists and designers to come and join our staff! The world of Iron Skies is jam packed with original settings, places and characters! and we need your help to bring them to life!

Video Editing/Recording and Design! - We are looking for skilled video makers and editors to come and give our newly budding idea the right and proper treatment! whether its on the field combat reports giving IC reports on happenings! Or just making good old fashion trailers for expansions or events in game! We are more then happy to have you aboard to our rapidly growing universe of Iron Hearts

Builders Builders Builders! - Yes that's right! its that time for us! We have the host, we have the plugins, we have the themes and reference pictures for you, can YOU do it?! We are looking for skilled builders to leave a lasting and detailed mark upon our world, your works of art will be the center piece of our Role play, your buildings will give this place life!!

Modders and Plugin Developers! - The cream of the crop! The ultimate catch! Yes! Thats right! we are talking about modders and Bukkit devs! We want you! YES YOU! NO, not him! We are looking for dedicated and efficent coders to give our server the edge it needs to compete with its fellow Roleplay compatriots. If you have what it takes to help us in a pinch! Come on down soldier and sign your name on the dotted line!

Applications Are Accepted on our Forums!, ENLIST HERE TROOPER!


Additional Notes

Serious, 1914 Sci-fi/Fantasy role play.

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01/04/2014 5:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
FLUFFYdinosaur's Avatar
It says cant resolve host name... I got the ip right too
04/06/2013 8:38 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
zcdlatini's Avatar
Being a normal player on here it be great to see new faces! Also its good to see you guys are liking it! I hope to meet a lot of you and have great fun : 3
12/07/2012 12:40 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
epicbobmonster's Avatar
Iron Hearts server review:
Sabre i think your server is realy good and i rate it 5 stars
so i will try to get this server up on the web more so that you can get more players i will also try to get your server promoted. :-)
10/24/2012 4:38 am
Level 21 : Expert Goblin
Windows7HomePremium's Avatar
I'm going to apply. :]
10/23/2012 7:26 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
FoxehFox's Avatar
  • FIRST IMPRESSION: The spawn area is rather cramped, but provides all of the essential info, albeit with a rather large amount of spelling and grammar errors (not that it matters). I'm impressed by the amount of detail put into the story and races.
  • Noob Progression: Upon exiting spawn, it was rather unclear as to what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to go. There weren't very many signs or other information to direct me, and I felt as if I was becoming slightly lost.
  • Plugins/Features: The lack of a /help command left me feeling slightly empty, but that may just be my familiarity with commands. The server utilizes an inventive transportation system, turning the boring warp signs from essentials into chauffeurs with ornate carriages and vehicles, each with its own style, pertaining to its origin.
  • Staff and Players: Upon entering the server, I was immediately greeted by at least three people. I got a warm and fuzzy feeling, which is good. The staff and players were very inviting and helpful, and made me feel very welcome.

Overall, I'd say that if you love to role play and have a creative streak, you would most likely love the server. Hell, I think most people would love the server, period. Looks great.
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