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A Buttery Server

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[BMS]SuperSniper's Avatar [BMS]SuperSniper
Level 1 : New Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 03/20/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Sorry But This Server Go's Of And On It Opens In The Morning In Australia And Closes Few Minute Latter And Opens After School In Australia

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by [BMS]SuperSniper 03/15/2013 12:32:36 amMar 15th, 2013


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03/15/2013 3:58 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ImBackBitches's Avatar
Hello, could you give me the approximate time for when it goes on?
03/15/2013 8:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
[BMS]SuperSniper's Avatar
Its all messed up so if any one can give me hosting they would get instant Owner With Op
03/16/2013 1:27 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ImBackBitches's Avatar
So, will it be up today?
03/15/2013 2:34 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Zaya23's Avatar
Greetings xD I would like to apply for staff on your server.
Name: Zoe
Ign: Zaya23
Age: 12
Position Wanting: Co Owner or Admin
Why I want this: I would like to have a rank so on the server I can help build new structures and meet all the friendly staff :)
What will I do to help the server: I will advertise, help out, show new people around and just mainly be nice to all players.
Building rank: I would say an 8 or 9 out of 10
What wont I do: I wont grief, raid, abuse my powers or anything else to upset anyone.
How often will I be on: I will most likely be on every day.
What ranks have I been before: I have been Mod, Head Mod, Admin, Head Admin and Co owner.
I hope you consider me a staff and I hope to see you soon! :)
03/15/2013 1:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
OneAndDone64's Avatar

My name is Emma or my IGN is OneAndDone. Im here to apply for staff on your server. I would like to apply for any rank needed but would prefer a rank Admin+ and you will figure out later :P.
My age is 13 and im a very mature girl ^-^

Why i deserve my rank. Well i will tell you now that i am not a power abuser I am experienced with being ranked on server and i could tell you my countless times being staff... But my first server i was ever staff on was one called Dark Ages. The owner was a nice man IGNed Jonithinisee I developed a relationship with him and i got my way up to a rank of Co-Owner. It later shut down and we lost contact.
But i will tell you I have the experience to be a Owner Co-owner etc. because of that ranking. That is where i have gotten all of my experience. Some plugins im experienced in is World Edit, Wolrd Guard, Factions etc.

Anyways i would love to be invited into your staff team and you can trust me! Thanks for reading my staff App and i hope you can take me into consideration!

03/15/2013 1:33 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ImBackBitches's Avatar
My name is Pearce. I am 12 years old but I am alot more mature than most 12 year olds. The rank i want the most would have to be co owner. If i am not good enough for that i will gladly accept admin. I have been a co-owner 14 times and i have been admin about 70 times. I love building and helping servers thrive. I can advertise a lot by posting videos on youtube making pictures, and spreading the word on facebook. I have skype and my username for it is shotgun1777. The server can also have a woman's touch (meaning girls will like it too.) Because my gf comes over a lot and she too plays Minecraft. One more reason to pick me is because... well, I'm back. :D IGN: WINDSOR_BRN It is short because the last one got deleted somehow.
03/15/2013 12:43 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Danniondog's Avatar
I'm applying for server Admin. I am currently 11-12.I am a expert in building. I also Want to keep the server safe for the young and adult's. I am currently admin on 2 server's. Thanks for reading this

03/14/2013 5:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tmb300's Avatar
My name's Oliver. I'm 15 years old and live in The United states. I have
been playing Minecraft for well over two years and have been admin-ing
for around half that time. I have been in the Acefortress community
since about January and the forums since day 1.

Why I want to be a admin

I'd like to be a moderator to help keep the server secure as the
community grows. Having multiple admins is a great thing for a growing
community and I hope to support the new server during this time. Due to
the openness of the server, it is prone to things like grief, as we have
already seen, so I plan to keep events such as this from happening. I
have very good knowledge of Minecraft admin plugins, commands and such,
and I feel that these skills would be of good use to the community.

Why would I make a good admin?

As I stated above, I have previous experiences being a Minecraft server
admin. I know many plugins and commands that would greatly support the
server and community, helping to be a better place for he players. As I
am only human, I am prone to being somewhat immature at times, but
whenever I am required to do any kind of admin work, be it large or
small, I always put the players and server before myself. I am available
through out the day and am ready to come to assist those who require it
at all times. I am also active not only on the forums, but on both the
Minecraft and Team Fortress servers.

My past admin experiences

My past admin experience if over a year of admin-ing on the Joe.to
Minecraft servers. The community contains 4 servers that have a very
high user base. During my time with them, I learned the majority of my
admin skills and making good connections with some very well known
admins. You can see my profile on their forums here (http://forums.joe.to/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=8555)

Thank you for reading and considering my application. I am open to any comments or criticism.
03/14/2013 4:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BaileyTheKiller981's Avatar
Hello* Herre is My applicateion For Admin I Have Experianced Alot of staff And Here is my application
age: 15
gender: Girl
How many servers ive been admin./co-owner on:15
I love minecraft ill be on every day and i would like to be a admin because i am very helpful Caring and
I always obey the rules so thx
03/14/2013 4:48 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
KidZacarus's Avatar
Hey I'm applying for Administrator position on here. I have admin experience on two servers, one of which i own and I own multiple forums and sites. I've been moderator on countless servers and know how to deal with problems. I know how to install and configure plugins and use WorldEdit/WorldGuard. I am 12, but an very mature for my age and have a higher mentality level than a 12 year old. I can be professional and will put my job as a staff member in front of me being a player. I hope you consider me. Thank you.
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