Minecraft Servers

Dragon Legion

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SkyfireDeDraco's Avatar SkyfireDeDraco
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Dragon Legion
Status Offline Pinged: 10/16/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Server currently prison, we are looking to add more gamemodes. We are open alpha and were pressed for time for the release, but it's here and it's worse than ever. Here is what we're aiming for:

Dragon Legion will be a server that will take a unique approach to survival, making it more like a war and not like a bitchslap fight, this feature is adding explosives and guns to the server. You will be able to hunt animals and mobs with a Hunting Rifle, booby trap players with a Trinket, and even launch airstrikes at dummies who don't have a roof (or a bunch of mobs)

We'll still have prison too, along with other gamemodes.

Recipies for the guns can be found in the Guides section under Media at dragonlegionmc.enjin.com/forums, please visit and give feedback.

I hope you enjoy!

2 Update Logs

Voting progress : by SkyfireDeDraco 11/11/2014 5:51:31 pmNov 11th, 2014

We are getting closer to setting up voting properly, but it looks like there was an error while voting. If you can decript it, thanks!

11.11 15:48:20 [Server] INFO at com.vexsoftware.votifier.net.VoteReceiver.run(VoteReceiver.java:130) [Votifier.jar:?]
11.11 15:48:20 [Server] INFO at com.vexsoftware.votifier.crypto.RSA.decrypt(RSA.java:65) ~[Votifier.jar:?]
11.11 15:48:20 [Server] INFO at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(Cipher.java:2087) ~[?:1.7.0_51]
11.11 15:48:20 [Server] INFO at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineDoFinal(RSACipher.java:382) ~[sunjce_provider.jar:1.7.0_51]
11.11 15:48:20 [Server] INFO at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.doFinal(RSACipher.java:356) ~[sunjce_provider.jar:1.7.0_51]
11.11 15:48:20 [Server] INFO at sun.security.rsa.RSAPadding.unpad(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
11.11 15:48:20 [Server] INFO at sun.security.rsa.RSAPadding.unpadV15(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_55]
11.11 15:48:20 [Server] INFO javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Decryption error
11.11 15:48:20 [Server] WARN matches the one you gave the server list.
11.11 15:48:20 [Server] WARN Unable to decrypt vote record. Make sure that that your public key

Edit: It turns out that PMC doesn't have a player test feature or it doesn't work on my server, but I got it to work when I voted for myself as a test operation. Voting works.

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