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AmazoCow's Avatar AmazoCow
Level 1 : New Crafter
Status Offline Pinged: 01/08/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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FreeBuildServer.net! Minecraft Server
We are now open for players! Join via freebuildserver.net !

Please read the whole page. It has a lot of information for

Welcome to the official page of FreeBuildServer.net! First, we would like you to get to know us.
We are, simple put, a PG-13 creative and factions server. (In the future we're thinking of adding mini-games). The two owners are AmazoCow and Jason. AmazoCow run's the physical server whereas Jason is our magical Tech Guru.

NOTE: Do /vote and you will get WorldEdit for 24 hours!
ATTENTION: Server staff shall reserve the right to give punishments at their discretion. If you feel you have been wrongly punished and/or the staff member in question is abusing their power, please report them in the forums. If possible, give screenshots for proof.

FreeBuildServer.net! Minecraft Server
[NOTE]: Rules are applicable to ALL players. No exceptions. Yes, even staff.
[1]: Do not grief! First offence is a ban.
[2]: Do not spam the chat! Even if you need help from an Admin/Mod. More than three of the same message is considered spam.
[3]: Hacked clients are not allowed! Optifine is okay.
[4]: Please respect all other players and staff members.
[5]: Caps is okay IF it's only a sentence. This does not mean every sentence you type can be in caps.
[6]: Please no not advertise other servers or website links.
[7]: Please refrain from using vulgar language. [Cursing]
[8]: You are allowed discussion of controversial topics such as religion, politics, etc. Just do not let it get out of hand. If a player is disrupting you, please use the command /ignore <player>
English is the official language of the server, please use it.
[10]: Racial/Gender/Sex/Stereotypical slurs are not tolerated. You may use them in /msg as long as they are not directed at a player!
[11]: Please do not build any form of NSFW structures. This inculudes hate symbols. i.e. the Nazi symbol.
[12]: Lastly, have as much fun as you can! If you have any ideas on how to improve the server, please tell us on the forums! Thank you!
FreeBuildServer.net! Minecraft Server

Click Here To Get To Our Forum!
The FreeBuildServer Forums provide a helpful, friendly community for everyone. Almost everything you need to know about our server can be found here. In GENERAL you may introduce yourself to other players. This is also where the staff will update you if anything on the server changes. Our forums are in-depth and suffice your every need! Want to show off your crazy/impressive builds? Post them in the Lobby under "Creative Builds"! Need help with a specific problem? We have two in-depth forums for any need! If you wish to apply for staff, we have that too! Only staff will be allowed to view your application.
Please keep the forums PG-13 or your post will be deleted.

We have a fully functioning creative world where each player gets a 300x300 plot. We encourage your complete creativity! You may build anything you wish as long as it follows the rules. PixelArt does not count for a plot rankup. As the rules state, you may not make anything that suggests NSFW content. i.e. genitalia or symbols of hate.
You have WorldEdit!!!
Vote for us and you will receive WorldEdit for 24 hours! Please be advided that this is a privilege and under the right circumstances can and will be taken away from you. Use WorldEdit with caution; it can cause the server to lag. You can also upload pictures of your plot to the forums to brag how good you are to other players!
Basic Plot Tutorial:
To access the creative world and get your very own plot, head to the portal room and step through the Creative portal. Once you spawn in the world, enter the command /p auto. After this, you are given a plot and you can start creating!
To trust a player in your plot. enter the command /p trust <playername>; whereas "<playername>" is replaced with the player's username.
If the player you trusted is abusing their power in your plot, use the command /p untrust <playername>
To completely deny a player access to your plot, use /p deny <username>
To undeny a player, use /p undeny <player>
Want to kick someone off your plot? Use /p kick <player>
If you want information about the plot you're standing in, use /p info
To submit your plot as complete, use /p done
If you have anymore questions or concerns about Plots, try the command /p help  if you don't find what you're looking for, please turn to the forum.

With Factions, you can build up your faction power to claim land and build a base! Become a powerful faction, take down enemies, form strong allies, recruit new members.
Basic Factions Tutorial:
To start your own faction, use /f create <Faction Name>
(Again, where "<Faction Name>" is what you want to call it.)
/f list will show you a list of all factions, active or not.
/f join <faction> will let you join any faction. If it requires an invitation, ask the faction owner if you may join.
/f f will show you any online players in your faction.
/f s will show you the status of the faction you're in.
/f name <new name> will rename your faction.
/f description <desc> will change your faction's description.
/f invite <player> invites a player to your faction.
/f title <title> sets your title in your faction.
/f kick <player> will force a player out of your faction.
/f sethome sets your faction home where you're standing.
/f claim will claim land.
/f unclaim will unclaim land in the chunk you're in.
Enter /f help to get a list of all the commands! If you need any extra factions help, ask an admin or turn to the forums!

CreditAurelien_Sama for the spawn map. Jason for being magical.

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by AmazoCow 09/12/2016 12:55:53 pmSep 12th, 2016

We are now FreeBuildServer.net!

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09/11/2016 6:06 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
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I'll be there, trust me... :)
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