Minecraft Servers

GuildHubFactions Server

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bbg123456789's Avatar bbg123456789
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
GuildHubFactions Server
Status Offline Pinged: 04/15/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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MiniGames<br><strong>-Mob Arena<br>-Spleef<br>-Parkour<br>-Survival Games <br>- Horse Racing<br>-More Coming Soon<br><br><br><br><br></strong><br><strong><br>Official Universal Rules</strong><br>All rules that are listed on this thread are now in effect as of June 2014 and apply to all ranks on the GuildHub Network. The following rules apply to the GuildHub Minecraft Servers and Forums.<br>All users are to read and follow the rules to avoid the punishment of kick or ban. If for any reason a rule needs to be changed or modified, the GuildHub Administration Team reserves the right to do so at ANY GIVEN MOMENT without further notice.<br><br><strong>Respect All Staff Members</strong><br>All decisions made by the GuildHub Staff Team is considered final. Please do not argue with a judgment made by one of our staff members. If you feel a member of staff is abusing you or others, please contact the Administration Team on the forums or message them for privacy.<br><br><strong>You are Responsible for your own Security</strong><br>Any breach made by a family, friend, or random stranger is on you. The GuildHub Network does not take responsibility for your security on your minecraft accounts or forum account. If a rule is broken under an account, that account will be punished. No exceptions.<br><br><strong>Advertising is not Permitted</strong><br>Advertising on the GuildHub Network or Forums will result in immediate temporary or permanent ban from the Network & Forums. This includes sharing an IP or Website/Domain in public chat, messaging system, etc…<br><br>Advertising your YouTube Channel or Twitch aren't allowed if you do not have the YouTuber Rank on any GuildHub Network.<br><br><strong>Do not Impersonate or “Pretend to be Someone”</strong><br>Impersonating is a serious offense on the GuildHub Network, as we do not take this lightly. If you witness someone impersonating a YouTuber or Staff Member, please contact a Moderator or higher ASAP. Impersonating to be staff on the forums is not allowed, please do not trick someone to think you are able to do something that you cannot.<br>All Helpers will have the [Helper] prefix, Moderators will have the [Moderator] prefix, all Administrators will have a salmon [Admin] prefix, all Senior Administrators will have a bold [SeniorAdmin] prefix, a Head Admin will have a bold [Head-Admin] tag, and any other heads will have their respected tags as well for identification.<br><br><strong>Do not Spam or use Excessive Capital Letters</strong><br>Spam of any type is not permitted. The minimal requirement for to be classified as spam includes, but is not restricted to the posting of same or similar messages consecutively, a repetitive number of times within the space of a few or more seconds. Messages comprising of all or a large amount of caps is also considered spam. Spam on the Forums will not be tolerated, spamming posts or threads will either get you suspended or banned from the forums.<br><br><strong>Profane Language is STRICTLY Forbidden</strong><br>Please be mindful of others when speaking in chat, we do have children playing on the network with you. Profane language (swearing) is not allowed. Profane or offensive language on any GuildHub server or o the forums will not be tolerated. Use of Profane Language on the forums will cause said post/thread to either be edited to something cleaner, or for the entire post to be deleted.<br><br><strong>Respect All Users</strong><br>RAU - Respect All Users, we are all human and we all like the GuildHub Network. Please be respectful and kind to others while playing games, or even lounging in lobbies. Forum respect will be enforced, do not write something that will be considered rude, it does hurt someone’s feelings in the end. Discrimination of any kind is not tolerated and will result in a ban.<br>We will NOT allow the following:<br>Racism<br>Sexism<br>Ageism<br>Remarks about Disabilities<br>Religion<br>Or any other kinds of Discrimination<br><br>Also a note on other languages, it is not considered racist if they don't speak your language. English is recommended when asking something from an English Staff Member, though we do not require you to speak it. You are free to speak any language on the GuildHubl Network, but swearing or breaking chat rules in another language will not be allowed.<br><br><strong>Respect Youtubers</strong><br>We always look towards YouTubers as public figures, and we know that many of them often play on the network, and some of them are our friends as well. Therefore, we should treat them nicely and let them play on even grounds just like any normal player. We do not ask you to stop playing with/against them, but try not to discourage them from playing by constantly putting a target on YouTubers and defeating them as a group(note that many of these people aren’t professional players). It is also worth noting that the publicity of the network depends on the content being streamed/uploaded by them, and constantly trying to crush them competitively as a group will discourage them from streaming or uploading further content on the server.<br><br>Aside from benefiting the network, treating the YouTuber or streamer fairly will also benefit you, as shoutouts or stream coverage can be dedicated towards you. Therefore, help all of us and yourself by treating the YouTubers and streamers fairly and not try to constantly targeting and defeating them as a group.<br><br><br><strong>Offensive Skins are ABSOLUTELY not Permitted</strong><br>Skins that are offensive or sexually explicit are not permitted on the GuildHub Network. All who have a skin of such nature will be warned at first, but further consequences may follow if use of the skin is continued.<br><br><br><strong>Client Modifications/Hacks are Strictly Forbidden</strong><br>Use of modified clients or hacked clients is strictly forbidden on the GuildHub Server. Any modification that will help a user win a game or give them an advantage is considered illegal. If caught using Hacked Clients or Modifications, will result in a temporary ban or permanent ban from the server.<br><br>Types of modifications that are allowed:<br><br>Mods that are purely for aesthetic purposes, eg: Shaders Mods<br>Mods that provide enhancement to the way Minecraft performs (FPS etc), eg: Optifine.<br>Rei's Minimap and Better Sprinting are now allowed as we can limit certain options.<br><br>Types of modifications that are not allowed:<br><br>Mods that provide enhanced player movement, eg: Smart Movement Mod.<br>Mods that allow flight, 'speed hacks', and extended reach, eg Nodus Client.<br>Mods that provide additional data to the player that would otherwise not be seen, eg: Radar Chest Mods.<br>Mods that exploit the AFK prevention system by constantly pinging player movement, eg: Macros and 'Rave Mods'.<br>Macro Mods are strictly prohibited to staff use, anyone using them that isn't a staff member will be dealt with accordingly.<br><br><strong>Cheating or Exploiting will get you Banned!</strong><br>This includes during the minigames/adventure maps. Exploiting a glitch or bug in minigames or any other server is not allowed and will get you in trouble, please report all bugs on the forums so we can fix it ASAP.<br>Report all bugs relating to the GuildHub Network on the respected forum page.<br><br><strong>Rules for Non-Staff Members</strong><br>Currently there are quite a lot of problems with people getting annoyed at being told what to do by a non-staff member, on top of this there is also a lot of you wondering how you can become a staff member if you keep getting told off for helping. Here are some guidelines/rules for you to follow to stop this confusion from happening.<br><br>You can answer players questions, there is nothing wrong with that. However, don’t answer questions if you are unsure on the answer, its not minigame related or it’s not directed at you. It’s okay to answer questions such as “how to join minigames” etc, basically any information that can be spotted on signs around lobbies or under /help.<br><br>Answering questions on how to buy a Premium Membership, upgrade a Membershi[ or even where to report stuff is acceptable, but once again if you are unsure please remember don’t answer if you are unsure. There is nothing worse than giving out the wrong information as it just causes problems at a later date.<br><br>You cannot be rude to any other person even if they’re being rude to you, treat people with respect you don’t know what the situation is at the other end. On top of this you can’t be giving out orders regarding the rules, for example “STOP SPAMMING” there should be a staff member in that lobby, a helper is a staff member even if their provocative is to help they’re still staff and have commands to control these situations. If the staff member in your lobby isn’t responding to a question or isn’t dealing with said rule breaker, and its now been 20-30 seconds of a user spamming an IP or breaking a rule, try /msg to the staff member or better yet screenshot what is going wrong and report it here on the forums. You can also seek another staff member from a different lobby, but please don’t take the situation into your own hands and try telling them what to do, it tends to make the situation worse.<br><br>Staff members use macros to answer some of the more common questions such as “where can i donate?”. If you aren’t a staff member we don’t want you using macros, since it can cause unnecessary spam with yourself and the staff member answering the question at the same time. It can also be a problem if you use the wrong macro as that leads to false information. Staff members shouldn’t need to be racing to answer questions in case a Premium Membership Holder gets there first, as this itself can cause mistakes and we want you guys to be enjoying the minigames. So you really want to be a staff member or know someone who does? You aren’t going to impress the staff if you are annoying them by beating them to the post, causing problems by giving out the wrong information or even telling others what to do when you shouldn’t be.<br><br>You can impress us by helping when a staff member appears to be AFK, answering the smaller general questions, reporting rule breakers on the forums. If a staff member asks you to ease it up a little don’t be offended its for all the best reasons, just be polite about it and maybe move to another lobby. Causing commotion or an argument with a staff member will put you on their bad books, lowering your chances. The staff are one huge family in a way, meaning if you annoy one it will spread badly to the others.<br><br>Someone who isn’t liked by staff members won't get accepted as it will cause friction which we can't have among staff. It’s not fun for the staff when they have players running around yelling at them for doing their job, we are volunteers and there to help and moderate that is what we have been chosen for. All we ask is that you don’t take the fun away for us but instead start to help us, if you are unsure be sure to /msg any moderator if you have concerns on what you can and can’t do.<br><br><br><br>b]The GuildHub Network Rules are subject to change at anytime, you are responsible for keeping up to date with them. The GuildHub Administration Team has the right to add, remove or modify any and all items on the list of rules and regulations. Thank you for reading the rules and following them.[/b]

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by bbg123456789 06/22/2014 12:56:08 amJun 22nd, 2014

-Added Cature the Flag

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