Minecraft Servers

Land of Troids 2.0! ~|Economy|~|Towns|~|Shops|~|PVE|~|24/7 Dedicated Server|~|Consistent Commuinnity|

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Goliathan's Avatar Goliathan
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
Land of Troids 2.0! ~|Economy|~|Towns|~|Shops|~|PVE|~|24/7 Dedicated Server|~|Consistent Commuinnity|
Status Offline Pinged: 04/20/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Land of Troids 3.0 is here! Along with a whole slew of new plugins the server no longer uses a whitelist and anyone is free to join! There are a few things you will want to know first:

Plugins we use:


Allows for official towns and nations as well as the buying and selling of land between players.


Base economy plugin this is what allows money to change hands.


This is how you make money on the server allows players to set up shops using chests and signs that buy and sell from other players.

Creeper Repair:

Automatically puts everything back in order after any type of explosion.

Civil Code:

Concerning Cities:

A city will have two core buildings these buildings will be present in every city regardless of size: A train station and a well.

The train station can be located anywhere in the city and can be anywhere from a small building to a skyscraper all that matters is that there is a building and that a mine-cart railway passes through it.

The well will be an infinite supply of water and will be in the center of town.

Cities will have small streets built of stone slabs that divide the city into "blocks"

Any member can claim a city block all they need to do is purchase it from the mayor.

Each city will have it's own "style". This style concerns the exterior look of each building. For example, if a city has medieval o styleo citizens should build their houses and shops in such a way that they have a medieval feel, e.g. Stone brick walls, slanted roof, that sort of thing. Style is not a hard fast rule it's more of an aesthetic guideline. The city's mayor has the final say-so about whether or not a particular building conforms to the style.

Interiors are unrestricted and members may design them however they wish regardless of the exterior style.

If a member has not logged on the the server for two or more weeks without explanation a moderator may schedule buildings for demolition to make room for newer members. Absent notifications can be posted on the forums, a member who has noted themselves as absent on the forums building's shall not be harmed.

Each member may have 1 house and 1 shop and 1 farm for a total of three buildings in each city.

Concerning Highways,

Highways are to be large walkways around 5 blocks wide.

Highways are marked with overhead Red wool and signs may be places ad the wool giving directions. Just like real roads, highways should travel north, south, east, or west and should be marked with a sign telling the name of the road and it's general direction of travel at regular intervals. (You can tell the direction by looking at a map, If the highway goes toward the top of the map the highway heads north, down is south, left is east, right is west.)

Highways should also be built of smooth stone slabs.

Highways should also lead from one city to another, there shouldn't be any highways that go from a main city to 1 persons house, or to a war outpost.

Concerning Pathways:

Pathways are local roads, can travel in any direction and should be marked with a sign on blue wool telling the name of the pathway and where it leads

Pathways can be made from any material so long as a path is clearly visible.

Concerning Railways:

Railways are minecart rails that act as a mode of transportation from one location to another.

Minecart railways should be marked the a sign on orange wool that tells the name of the train station, the direction of travel, and the next station along the line.

There are no private railways all railways are for public use.

Minecart tracks that are actually used for mining should be marked with a sign on no wool that tells the name of the mine.

Concerning Aerial Platforms:

There are to be NO aerial platforms. If there is a floating island in a spot where it would make a particularly scenic overlook an admin will build a watch area there.

Also note that there shan't be any monoliths or noobish towers reaching for the sky.

Anything built that is unreasonably tall or ugly will be torn down by the moderators.

Concerning wilderness (aka anywhere outside city limits):

Buildings are allowed outside cities however the same rules apple to them as they would in cities with the exception of being confined to a plot.

Concerning National Parks & Nature Areas:

If a particular mountain range or beach or other area is found to be particularly interesting or pretty the area may be designated as a National Park.

No Buildings may be built on National Parks and railways or highways must pass under or go around these areas.

Proposed National Parks will be posted about and voted upon by the community before being declared as such.

National parks will be clearly marked with signs and a surrounding fence (if feasible).

All Shroomlands are automatically National Parks, however Mooshrooms may be harvested.

Concerning Other Generalities:

Greifing is forbidden at all times. If two nations are at war and members of one nation enter an enemy town and begin destroying buildings this is NOT greifing it is a town's duty to defend its infrastructure and constructions. When a war is in progress all members will be overtly notified

TNT is banned at all times without exception. Anyone caught with TNT will be banned. TNT may NOT be used during war time either so give it up.

Please don't build over the streets, even though they may be technically part of your property they are important to the town and should be left alone. If a building covers part of the street in such a way so that it inhibits the flow of traffic the owner may be asked to redesign his building.

If there is a dispute the hierarchy goes like this, Visitors, Users, Mayors, Moderators, Admin(s) (Currently Goliathan, lothartx).

Visit: landoftroids.webs.com

Additional Notes

Public survival server-Anti Grief-Towns-Economy-Shops-Consistent Community-12GB RAM

10 Update Logs

NEW BOX : by Goliathan 12/26/2012 1:09:00 pmDec 26th, 2012

Thanks to generous donors we have acquired a new box with 12GB of RAM and 2X Dual Core Opteron CPUs. Slots have been upgraded to 30

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11/19/2012 1:55 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
legolego2's Avatar
it wont let me /sethome or /money
plz help
01/11/2013 10:14 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
Goliathan's Avatar
You need to be a builder to preform these actions when you have built a house in a town talk to a moderator and he will promote you.
11/08/2012 12:05 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Blacksmith
etrix11's Avatar
whats the texture of the pictures?
11/06/2012 4:19 pm
Level 23 : Expert Princess
Kittehroar's Avatar
Great server :) everyones there to help you if you need it
10/29/2012 5:17 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
WinterStarraptor's Avatar
Server is down?
10/29/2012 5:11 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
WinterStarraptor's Avatar
Is this server 1.4.2 compaitable yet? I really want to join the server.
11/07/2012 11:48 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
Goliathan's Avatar
It is
10/29/2012 5:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
llRaizall's Avatar
Don't have access to /money or /bal
11/01/2012 12:46 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
Goliathan's Avatar
Yeah you need to be a builder to have access to /money or /bal sorry
10/06/2012 11:36 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Lol reach you can't ban people who are OP's and i can't de-op or op only Goliathan can. You have also OP-ed some one with out permission from Goliathan even jrcat knows becuase he de-opped him. I have a screenshot of you raging and swearing at me becuase YOU were the person in the wrong, so i wouldnt even bother ;)
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