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Michael's Tekkit Lite Server

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MichaelTheShifter's Avatar MichaelTheShifter
Level 1 : New Miner
Michael's Tekkit Lite Server
Status Offline Pinged: 02/02/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Why did I create this server? 

I created it because I wanted to give a community that I play MC with something. Something that they once had. Currently, they only have a Minecraft 1.8 server, but about a year ago they also had a Tekkit Lite server, as well as a FTB one. While both those servers were alright, they became inactive, and the staff could not pay for all three servers, so they stopped Tekkit, which at that point only me and a few other players were on. Then, later on they killed FTB, and reworked their vanilla server which at the time used 1.7.10. The community is still alive, at neweden.co.

The reason this server is not named after New Eden, is because it is unofficial, yet I am allowed to host it for them. Anyways, let's get on to some more good things.

So, what is there to do?

Well, the server is only a week old, and I've been extremely busy setting up plugins and getting the base JUST right. Over time, I plan on adding even more features, so do NOT worry, if you don't like what there is to offer right now, I can guarantee you will like what's there in a few weeks.

So far, for game modes and worlds, we have:
 - Survival - standard Tekkit survival
 - Creative - Build whatever you want, or plan your base for Survival, it's up to you.
 - Frontier - Like New Eden, a separate overworld where you can go do all your mining and stuff, without affecting the main world's terrain. Frontier is reset every month, so don't forget your stuff. Once the frontier is reset, anything in there is gone and will not be retrievable.

And, here are some Bukkit plugins we use:
 - GriefPrevention - When you place any type of container (chest or whatever), GriefPrevention will automatically claim the area around it and set you as the owner. It will automatically tell you how to use it as you play.
 - WorldGuard - If you are building a town, you can request me to set a WorldGuard region around your town so that you can set who can build where in your town, that way griefers cannot destroy it.
 - CraftIRC - Talk to online players through IRC, or vice versa. Just join #tekkitserver on irc.pngn.co (the New Eden IRC server) and you can talk to in-game players through IRC.
 - The list goes on, but most of it's just for me and other staff members to make things easier.

Now, you may be asking, are there any banned items, or things you should know?

Well, yes. I will not allow use of DimensionalDoors or Mystcraft. In fact, DimDoors has been completely ripped out of the server-side mods, and will not work. I plan on doing the same for Mystcraft. The reason is because those mods allow you to create your own worlds, which, if a bunch of people are doing that, it can become a hard-drive eater. My server only has 200GB hard drive space.

Also, to protect the main world's look, I will not allow any use of quarries above-ground, or outside of your land claims in the main world. You may, however, set up your quarry in Frontier, have it send it's items to an ender chest linked to one in your base, or do whatever to get your items out of Frontier. Ender Chests work across worlds, so as long as the chunk the Ender Chest is in is loaded, you should be able to see your quarry moving items into it from the main world. Buildcraft will keep the chunks around the quarry loaded, you should be fine.

Note, that you CAN use Turtles to tunnel through the ground to create underground bases if you so wish. However, as far as I'm aware, back on SerenityTekkit (New Eden's old tekkit server) they were banned because you could bypass grief-preventing plugins with them. I trust users will not misuse Turtles and use them for griefing purposes. Lose my trust, and I will ban them.

So, yeah. Feel free to join. Just remember, it's new. Things are still being added. It may shut down a lot because of this.
CreditNew Eden owner 'AaronMcH' for helping me set up the plugins, techdom.ml user 'soulman' for hosting the VPS.

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