Minecraft Servers

MMCminecraft - Im not owner!

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thedoverkid's Avatar thedoverkid
Level 23 : Expert Ninja

Hello My name is Max and I am here to tell you about the MMC server. I nown the server and you can join now! We are a public server with a good ncommunity and alot of plugins. We also have a mumble server so you can nchat to other users and staff.
we are running a buukkit server and a 24/7 no lagg. We have many ranks that you can get. Here are the main Main ranks :
Guest = Can not build must sign up to the website and be on the server for a hour.
Trusted= Can build and can buy /sell plots items etc. also can use [free] signs
V.I.P = Be on mumble and get involved in the community. Can /tp and more
Staff = Staff MMCminecraft - Im not owner! Minecraft Server
Admin = Maximum12 - owner

---Rules and Info--


1. No Griefing
2. No stealing
3. No hacking eg Xray . fly mod
4.No bad or hurtful language
5.Be nice and cool
6.Do not build in claimed land
7.Have fun
More on the server and website.


We have a warp system. You can get a warp for a town or project by applying on the forms. A staff will than make you a warp.
We also use Iconomy. You can buy items at spawn or for user built nshops.Somtimes you will see [free] signs at spawn to get some free nthings :)We have a in-game Ticket system that you can use if you have nANY problems just go to the area you have a problem or not then do /pe nopen [problem]. You will then get a number, to see if a staff has ncommented on the ticket do
/pe view [no.]

We do accpet donations just ask Max and you can also buy in-game money for relal money but you can earn money other ways P



Join our mumble server! We also play other games and you can play with nour community in games such as urban terror or left for dead o Here is the details :

Label : MMC server
Ip :
port: 8712
uusername : [mcname]

If you do not have mumble it is a voice chat thing and get it now here : http://mumble.sourceforge.net/
get the stable 1.2.3 version

Thanks for reading the ip is :

Additional Details
Join today! We need great users to come play and have fun!
Game Version: Minecraft 1.7

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