Minecraft Servers

New Server (Needs Alot of work) read description!

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tnp80808's Avatar tnp80808
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Status Offline Pinged: 05/24/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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I need builders, people good with plugins and perhaps java coding, I need mature staff that have been staff before and know what they are doing and know how to handle griefing...

- I need a spawn built

- I need advice for some good plugins

If you think you are fit for the job
Tell me in the comments your:

IGN (In game name):

Can you build: Yes,No

Can you java code: Yes,No

Are you good with plugins: Yes,No

Have you been server staff before if yes what was the server IP: Yes,No


Have you been banned before and why:

If I like your form I will put you on the whitelist so we can get started on this server
when everything is done (building plugins etc.) I will take it off whitelist and it will be open to the public...

If you lie in any of the form above will result in a removal of staff and/or server!

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11/25/2014 6:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
luna_1501's Avatar
omg sinse i posted it i saw how huge it is im really sorry about that
11/25/2014 6:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
luna_1501's Avatar
My name is Luna and I know alot of good plugins and i also am a great build i could also build the spawn the way u want it or my own cool way and the position on staff i would like to be is(staff)admin and i a mature 11 year old girl and i have never grieffed anything if you are worried and i have had experiance in being staff such as being head- admin and mod and i was a really good builder and they took y ideas for some awesome plugins. and the server(s) i was staff on was something like dark something but i cant totally remeber because the owner shut the server down because iut was grieffed and it was also hacked into by one of the players and he recked everything he hacked into staff and became admin. but i have no idea were or what is happening to that server.but anyeays lets get to the things you are asking for which i problalyhave xD.
IGN: bill1501
AGE: a mature 11 yr old girl
 good with plugins:yes kinda
Have you been banned before:no i dont think so
Can you java code: No but if my cousin ever comes on she can
Have you been staff before: umm well this is ok if you dont believe me because i have no proof but yes i have been staff befor i have been admin and mod
Can i build: o my gosh im a great builder even at aking the people like a statue of some one and pixel art
And once again my real life name is Luna and my IGN is bill1501 and i dont know if this ounts but if you need to talk to me my skype is lkuhlweinbut please only use it when u need me because im kind of a busy girl. but for the server im available on Mondays,Tuesdays,Wednesday,Thursday,and at the end of the day on friday because i have my dads OH and one more thing i would really, really,REALLY love to be staff and i also have some pretty good ideas for the spawnand anything else :) i hope i can be staff byee have a great holday (thanksgiving)
08/23/2014 12:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
dfenceman123's Avatar
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08/12/2014 2:46 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
yasmask1021's Avatar
IGN: yasmask1021
I can Build
I cant java code
I am not good with plugins
I have been staff before: Server Closed
And My own server(Closed)

Age: 13
I have never been banned before
08/11/2014 11:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Marinefighter01's Avatar

Can you build: DEFINANTLY

Can you java code:no sorry hope it doesnt hurt my chances though :/

Are you good with plugins: ive never tried but if i get taught i think i can definantly

Have you been staff before if yes what was the server IP: Yes i have been on two servers but i forgot the IPs i do know one that was called PotatoCraft that was on this exact site.  And the other one was with my freind.

Age: i am 13

Have you been banned before and why:  Sadly yes but they were for stupid reasons and i can explain one, i was on a server that banned tnt.  So when i walked around i found tnt placed and i told the owner and he banned me for thinking I did it which i clearly didn't.
08/11/2014 3:08 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Kevdude0625's Avatar
IGN (In game name): Kevdude0625

Can you build: Yes

Can you java code: Yes

Are you good with plugins: Yep

Have you been server staff before if yes what was the server IP: Yes I have various servers I was staff on but I will give you one. It is a server I host, ( SlimeCraft.

Age: I am currently 17

Have you been banned before and why: Nope and never will :)
08/09/2014 4:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
WarHammer414's Avatar
IGN: kurtis_malachi

Can you build: Yes

Can you java code: No

Have you been server staff before if yes what was the server IP: Yes I don't remember the IP but I havae been staff on 3 or 4 servers

Are you good with plugins:  No, but sometimes I can get it

Age: 13

Have You been banned before and why: Somethimes but I can remember why
08/08/2014 6:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SamTehCat's Avatar
IGN (In game name): MinecraftDude257 

Can you build: Not that good, but I have a lot of time.

Can you java code: No 

Are you good with plugins: No, but it depends what you mean. I can figure out what commands do, but I cant add them, etc

Have you been server staff before if yes what was the server IP: Yes, dont remember ip ( quite a while ago :P)

Age: 16

Have you been banned before and why: Yes. 3 Times... 1: Abusive Admins D: 2: Accused of greifing, when never been near greifed location, and 3: More Abusive Admins...
08/03/2014 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
FireFox108's Avatar
IGN- Matt10802

Can you build: Yes

Can you java code: No

Have you been server staff before if yes what was the server IP: So many i cant remember, But everyone of them loved to hang out with me and i loved to help!

Age: 12

Have you ever been banned before and why?: I have been banned for a stupid little kid who owned a server and i was messing aroun with him he was about 8 lol.

Also i can record for youtube to advertise and i am very mature for my age. Thank you
08/01/2014 6:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Dantonenka's Avatar
Can you build:yes
Can you Java code:yes
Are you good with plugins:yes
Have you been server staff before:yes i was a owner but my server stopped working so i cant remember the ip (sorry)
Have you been banned before:no
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