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Sorevo Galaxy

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Traiodyo's Avatar Traiodyo
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
Status Offline Pinged: 04/16/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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I really wish I could have posted more pictures, but sadly 10 is max. This server will be so packed with things, you can't possibly ever get bored!

This server is still under construction, but I can guarantee it'll be up in 2013. Here's just a taste of what is in store:
-Factions, PvP, Survival, Parkour, Race, Special Events, etc.
-4 (I may add more in the future) different races you can pick from, each having their own special powers.
---Human -Regular old human, nothing is different
---Dragonoid -Can fly, arrows and swords can set enemies on fire, can swim in lava, boost to melee power, get hurt in water, extra damage from poison, no fall damage
---Nexus -Can jump 2-4 blocks high (Still haven't decided), arrows and swords are poisonous and add dizzy effect, extra damage from fire, can't drown, no fall damage, boost to archery power
---Mecha -Archery power lowered, arrows fly perfectly straight and add blindness effect, can't drown, get hurt in rain, small boost to melee power
-Each race has it's own capital city and homeworld. Safe from pvp there, not much to do to encourage exploration of other planets where all 4 races mix.
-Many planets with different features
-Special events from time to time, such as EpicBosses, Dropfests, and other things I can come up with :D
-Player shops, always a fun time
-Money system
-If rich enough, you could buy your own personal world that will be 100x100x100 (it'll be super expensive to save lag)
-In the future, may have more slots and 24/7!
-Bounty Hunter Plugin (Make money for killing targets posted on the bounty list)
-And so much more for me to list!

As you can see, I've put lot's of thought into creating this server, that I could barely give it a genre. I set it as the closest thing, a faction PVP server, but I don't know if that can even describe it's creativity. I'd probably more appropriately call it a "Themed" server, with the space theme I'm going with.

I'll post more updates on the server in the blog section, in case you feel like finding out it's progress. So much left to do. So as of now, the server is whitelisted, until I'm ready to set it to public. Thanks for reading :D

-Added note on 6/15/13- I'm still working on this... I know, I've been distracted with things like Bleach (Anime), making music, and making a game with RPG Maker VX Ace. I honestly have no clue when I'll be done, but I GUARANTEE I'll be done before Mojang releases another major update (besides bugfixes) after 1.6 (The server will be easier to finish with some of the new things Mojang is adding in 1.6) So yeah, sorry for taking so long. At the point this new note was added, all I have left is a few things to build, and then put the finishing touches on by adding all the plugin stuffs. Lastly, I'll need a few days for testing the server. Don't worry, this server WILL be available one day xD

Additional Notes

Factions, PvP, Survival, Parkour, Race, Special Events, and More!

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01/06/2013 9:00 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Deathsvice's Avatar
Ohh i understand sry
01/05/2013 9:31 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Deathsvice's Avatar
Sry for caps I rl lov this server n the one who owns it :D
01/05/2013 9:48 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
Traiodyo's Avatar
Whitelisting at the moment is just for me and my friends so we can build, and so noone else randomly strolls in, since I have nothing protected yet. I just finished the Mecha capital all the way. yay
01/05/2013 9:23 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Deathsvice's Avatar
Its rl hard to white list me ._.? And NEW UPDATE IS SOON FOR MC
01/01/2013 8:53 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Deathsvice's Avatar
Come on when will it be up
01/02/2013 10:36 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
Traiodyo's Avatar
Well, we are almost finished building the planets. Dragon capital is complete, Nexus is complete, Humans have been started, Mechas is complete (I'm adding a few more things cuz it seems too small) and I also have to fool around with plugin stuffs. So hey, I didn't meet my goal of getting up before 2013, but I honestly believe we will be finished very soon. I'll also be reposting this server on PMC so it can get more views, new pics, ect. Make sure you look at that when I put that up.
12/27/2012 6:06 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
Traiodyo's Avatar
Nexus capital is complete!
12/06/2012 5:52 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
Traiodyo's Avatar
Dragon Capital is now 100% completed. My friend really outdid himself with it :D I had to add a few extra tings, but it wasn't that big of a deal. mainly just extra lighting.
12/06/2012 3:49 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Deathsvice's Avatar
Ok :)
12/04/2012 12:55 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Deathsvice's Avatar
Lawl xD I wana be a dragon >_< when u rl thinkthe server be ready? Tho minecraft.net is down.
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