Minecraft Servers

Star Trek MC - Roleplay Server

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Level 23 : Expert Miner
Star Trek MC - Roleplay Server
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Game VersionMinecraft Java
Star Trek MC - Roleplay Edition! [1.21.4]
To Boldly Go, Where No Steve has gone before...
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Star Trek MC is a minecraft roleplay server based on the well known Star Trek franchise created by Gene Roddenberry and was created in 2013. We aim to recreate our own missions and build our own timeline based on the events happened after Star Trek Nemesis. Players can create their own characters and join one of the known species and organisations and can even become a Starfleet Officer. Furthermore, players can rank up in their career and can command their own starship one day. We host regular roleplay events, which are really well made and have a lot of content and development.

Since July 2024, we have been working on a new edition of Star Trek MC. In this roleplay edition, each player will play a character in the Star Trek franchise. They can choose their race, name, biography etc. At this time, all players are part of Starfleet. Roleplay will be created by players for the players. Meaning that Senior Staff (like Chief of Operations) hand out tasks to Officers to carry out. You will play as an Officer of our flagship and roleplay the day-to-day operations. We call this passive roleplay.

You can imagine roleplay like this: In our beloved star trek series, we see the highlights of the plot, but not every day. They are snippets. Our roleplay events are like the episodes you would see on television and when there is no event happening, the roleplay is the everyday operation of the ship or the preparation for the next event. This could be preparing cargo for a colony, setting up security precautions for an important escort. Senior Staff would manage the preparations by assigning tasks to their crew members.

On special days, Gamemasters will host events where the Crew will face a challenge and they need to work together to find a solution. For handling tasks and actions, a /roll system will be used. Most commonly known from games like Dungeons & Dragons. Practically the outcome of the roll will decide the success or failure of the action. We just concluded Closed Beta and are now preparing for Open Beta, starting soon!

With our social credits system, players can earn reputation and credits. These social credits can be achieved by actively taking part in roleplay events, divisional classes, completing tasks and going above and beyond. Promotions are based on the player's social credit, so each player needs to rise to the required SC level in order to be qualified for promotion.

Join now to not miss any action and roleplay and begin your starfleet career.

Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/4QwVR5d

Updated February 9, 2025
CreditSpecial credit goes to Honkalonka

6 Update Logs

Star Trek MC - Roleplay Edition : by Chakotay 02/07/2025 11:42:55 amFeb 7th

Star Trek MC: Major Update - Roleplay Edition

Since July 2024, we have been working on a new edition of Star Trek MC. In this roleplay edition, each player will play a character in the Star Trek franchise. They can choose their race, name, biography etc. At this time, all players are part of Starfleet. Roleplay will be created by players for the players. Meaning that Senior Staff (like Chief of Operations) hand out tasks to Officers to carry out. You will play as an Officer of our flagship and roleplay the day-to-day operations.

On special days, Gamemasters will host events where the Crew will face a challenge and they need to work together to find a solution. For handling tasks and actions, a /roll system will be used. Most commonly known from games like Dungeons & Dragons. Practically the outcome of the roll will decide the success or failure of the action. We just concluded Closed Beta and are now preparing for Open Beta, starting soon!

With our social credits system, players can earn reputation and credits. These social credits can be achieved by actively taking part in roleplay events, divisional classes, completing tasks and going above and beyond. Promotions are based on the player's social credit, so each player needs to rise to the required SC level in order to be qualified for promotion.

Features Added:
  • Revamped Roleplay System to include hardcore aspects
  • Introduced local chat channels (meaning in roleplay, chat messages are only seen in certain ranges)
  • Several additions to the server texture pack
  • Server version upgrade to 1.21.4
  • Introduced new gamemaster program
  • New server lore
  • Introduced task completion system
  • Introduced social credit system
  • Revamped Classes that now teach tasks and rolling and other rp and server functions
  • Reworked career paths: Players can now choose to be Enlisted or Commissioned Officers
  •  Each path has different pro's and con's as well as opportunities.
  • Created new player tutorial
  • And more...

Community projects posted by members on this server

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02/07/2025 11:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
02/09/2025 5:39 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Server owner Ranger
Hello AmoHeydarrr! I hope you like this page. If you want, you can join our discord or check out our website, if you'd like to learn more!
10/04/2020 3:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Does this work on bedrock.
10/29/2020 4:53 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
No, this is Java edition.
miner 3830
06/07/2020 10:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
this looks awsome I am defenetly gonna come
06/07/2020 3:50 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
Nice! Did you join us on Discord already?
05/01/2020 11:17 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Nerd
Good to see the old server back online :)
05/01/2020 3:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Wow this looks insane. I will definetely put this on my watchlist!
05/01/2020 3:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I want to join but i dont have it on PC. Can i play it with Xbox 360?
05/01/2020 3:25 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
Im afraid Its just on PC. Im sorry.
