Minecraft Servers

SwanCraft - Nostalgic Semi-Vanilla SMP | Community Focus | LGBTQIA+ Friendly

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SwanCraftMC's Avatar SwanCraftMC
Level 40 : Master Network
SwanCraft - Nostalgic Semi-Vanilla SMP | Community Focus | LGBTQIA+ Friendly
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
           ? SwanCraft? Nostalgic Semi-Vanilla SMP | 
            Best Community!
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SwanCraft - Nostalgic Semi-Vanilla SMP | Community Focus | LGBTQIA+ Friendly Minecraft Server
Version 1.20.1
IP: mc.swancraftmc.comο»Ώ


In a world full of soulless Minecraft Networks and "one-size-fits-all" hub servers, SwanCraft aims to give you something different: a place to call home. We will always focus on community first and will never lose our pure semi-vanilla survival roots. Our close-knit community and dedicated staff team is ready to welcome you into our family!

β¬₯πŸ”Άβ¬₯πŸ”Ή ────Basic Infoβ”€β”€β”€β”€πŸ”Ήβ¬₯πŸ”Άβ¬₯

IP: mc.swancraftmc.com
Version: 1.20.1
Server Location: East Coast, USA
Chat Reporting: Disabled
Website: SwanCraft
Discord: Discord
Founded: Jan 22, 2017
Server Population: 15-30+ players at all times
Discord Population: 2100+ members
Median Staff Age: 23, ranging from 16 - 30+

β¬₯πŸ”Άβ¬₯πŸ”Ή ────Featuresβ”€β”€β”€β”€πŸ”Ήβ¬₯πŸ”Άβ¬₯

✨ Map Info ✨
Map Expanded for 1.20 on July 23
Overworld: 60k x 60k
Nether: 20k x 20k
The End: 20k x 20k

✨ Semi-Vanilla ✨
We aim to keep gameplay itself as vanilla as possible, while providing
access to some commands that make Minecraft life a little less mundane.

✨ Grief Prevention ✨
Claim your land and only give access to people that you trust!

✨ Ranks ✨
We have two systems of ranks: voting and donating. Our donator ranks are designed to be "Pay-to-skip" rather than P2W. This means that nearly all donator perks are available from vote ranks and higher vote ranks provide you with better perks than any donator rank.

✨ Crates ✨
Use keys from voting or donating to open crates for special rewards. Collect our specially themed crate collectibles!

✨ Collectibles ✨
We bring a different element to Minecraft with Collector Series. There are
dozens of collector series' on our server and more are being added every month!

✨ Community ✨
We want everyone to enjoy their time on SwanCraft. We try to promote a friendly environment free from toxic energies. Players are encouraged to voice any suggestions or concerns they may have for the community.
πŸ’–πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ LGBTQ+ inclusive! πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ§‘πŸ’–

✨ Economy ✨
Our economy is entirely item based. No economy plugins $$ here! Browse our several dozen player shops at /warp shops!

✨ Events ✨
Falling Crate Keys
Map Art Contests
Movie Nights
Build Contests
Art Contests
Discord Events
Special themed events

When searching for a new place to play, sometimes what a server doesn't have is just as important as what it does.
NO Towny
NO Factions
NO Economy Plugins
NO different game modes
NO Dynmap
NO Keep Inventory (But your death coordinates are recorded.)
NO Custom Enchants
CreditThank you to Olnessa for providing our images!

3 Update Logs

1.20 Tales and Trails Update : by SwanCraftMC 07/25/2023 6:50:11 pmJul 25th, 2023

1.20: Tales & Trails Update!
Welcome all to the 1.20 Update! To accommodate the new terrain generation, we have expanded our borders by 5,000 blocks in each direction. This has added a whopping 47GB of map data to explore! The server is now open to everyone so get your behinds online before all the goodies are claimed!

What's New in 1.20?
πŸ›οΈ Venture into uncharted territory and stumble upon the all-new trail ruins - ancient remnants of a forgotten era. Piece together their secrets and uncover the history that lies beneath their crumbling walls.

πŸ‘ƒTrust your instincts and follow the trail of the Sniffers, curious creatures that lead you to hidden treasures and exciting surprises! Trust us; they have an impeccable nose for adventure.

πŸ›‘οΈ Stand out amongst your peers and show off your unique style! With the addition of armor trims, you can now personalize your armor and make a fashion statement as you battle through the lands. Trims will not interfere with lored items, so feel free to use them on all your custom gear!

🌸 Take a moment to relax and bask in the warm glow of the summer sun under the enchanting cherry blossom trees. Their beauty will captivate you as you unwind from your daring exploits.

🐫 Prepare for an exotic expedition as you form a partnership with these humpbacked companions. Experience the vast deserts like never before as you ride in style on a camel with a friend!

Some Things to Know
  • We have expanded our borders by 5k blocks in each direction.
  • Within the old terrain, 60 cherry biomes have been generated. As well as a smattering of trail ruins.
  • We are using a different /rtp system temporarily until our old one is optimized and no longer causes TPS drops upon teleport.
  • We are aware of the sign edit menu popping up even when you don't have access to build in that area. You should not be able to change any signs even though the GUI makes it seem like you can.
  • Shop sign interaction has been changed from right-click to left-click. To buy and sell items to shops, you MUST left-click on the sign now! I changed this because of the annoying issue mentioned above.
  • The RTP zone has been extended to a 20k block radius.

Community projects posted by members on this server

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β€’ 06/09/2024 12:01 am
She/Her β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
tealshasta's Avatar
The community here is wonderful! It feels very welcoming here and I enjoy that in a server. :3
β€’ 07/11/2023 2:48 pm
β€’ Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
MoonLitCreeper's Avatar
Swancraft used to be a good server, but approximately 6 months ago I was banned from swancraft on the premise of a Twitter post that was taken out of context (yes they banned me for a Twitter post) simply because I disagreed with a person they followed. Also the ban message (which was written by the owner siuan) was used to shame me for what they said I did (I still have the screenshot of the ban message)siting that I had a daughter and that what I said was wrong.. but not in those words.. I've been quiet for awhile now because I didn't think it was worth the waste of my time, but then I thought "how many others have they done this to?" Swancraft may have some good players, and I still have many friends there, but the rest are backstabbing liars and staff with an agenda. Do not join this server, it may be fine for awhile, but as soon as you disagree with one of them, or post something anywhere that they don't like it'll be over, and all your work will be gone.

MoonLitCreeper aka Cypher_Xero

P.S. server owner/staff: do not contact me about this review I will not be changing my mind.
β€’ 07/25/2023 7:18 pm
β€’ Level 40 : Master Network
SwanCraftMC's Avatar
This player posted and still consistently posts, comments, and re-tweets anti-LGBTQ and (on occasion) racist and sexist content on their Twitter account. Sometimes equating LGBTQ folks with n@zis and often saying that they belong in mental institutions. Their twitter handle is in their comment, so feel free to check it out yourself.

We are extremely supportive of our LGBTQ+ community here and won't tolerate such things. We don't want players here who spread hateful rhetoric about a community that many of our players and staff team belong to. MoonLit had his twitter linked to his discord account and a player followed the link, saw the anti-trans content and alerted us to it. We don't police players' social medias and MoonLit remains the only person to be banned for something they posted outside of the server. However, if someone is posting blatantly bigoted, racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, or anti-semetic stuff outside of the server and it can easily be traced to their Minecraft account, yes, I would absolutely ban that person, as I personally do not want them here.

We absolutely do have an agenda, to create a safe space for people who do nothing to harm anyone else, and to keep hateful fearmongering people away from our community.

And for some context on the tweet he's referring to:

And that's just one of dozens of examples of bigoted content he's posted.

- Siuan
β€’ 03/27/2023 9:24 pm
β€’ Level 30 : Artisan Miner Crafter
TheNewTK421's Avatar
this is good
β€’ 10/15/2022 10:37 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
HonestRudy's Avatar
loser server
β€’ 04/20/2022 7:42 pm
β€’ Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
MoonLitCreeper's Avatar
Swancraft has recently updated to 1.18 and with the update came a new map for a fresh start at a new base and new ideas. I'll be updating my progress on here shortly.
β€’ 08/02/2021 7:41 pm
β€’ Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
MoonLitCreeper's Avatar
I love being a player on this server... I've been on many smp servers as a player, one as an admin and one as a moderator, and this is the best server ive found since i started playing online when it was enabled by mojang.
Come join the amazing players and staff here on SwanCraft!

β€’ 01/11/2021 10:58 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
TNTomi's Avatar
its a GOOD server
β€’ 11/09/2020 4:22 pm
β€’ Level 44 : Master Nerd
Its_Quail's Avatar
Please come join Swancraft, its an amazing place, and you will definitely not regret it!
β€’ 11/08/2020 5:58 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
lolcat5436456's Avatar
good place :)
