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auggn's Avatar auggn
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 05/21/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Ulticraft is a unique Minecraft server with lots of power, agility, and a great community! Minecraft is a game to explore, create, and compete. Minecraft is a game where you can look up at other creations in awe. Why not join? It's free, and its fun! Ulticraft is a hardcore role playing server where you can obliterate all enemies, or survive in peace! It's all up to you!


Ulticraft is backed with arrays of Xenon processors, plenty of ram, and gigabit network cables to deliver an ultimate experience. Your data is safe with Ulticraft. We are in a facility with high security systems, flood prevention, fire detectors, and 24/7 staff. This all would never be possible without Akliz!


This is not a server where an 11 year old wanted to make a server (googles how) and slaps a server on his laptop in a basement. This is a quality server that runs on prime quality hardware and software 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year! Ulticraft is hosted in a quality facility. Ulticraft software is built with bukkit. Everything is required to be quality, safe, and functional at Ulticraft. We are meticulous when it comes to programming up a server. Everything has to be perfect.

Live Map

See Ulticraft live online using dynmap, which maps out all of the blocks in 2d or 3d right from your browser. You can also see players and towns too! To visit our map please click here!

Got Android?

If so, download Ulticraft the mobile Minecraft guide app on google play! Just search up Ulticraft or go to auggn.net/apps/ulticraft ! Ulticraft is a great app to have by your side when you are surviving or building on Ulticraft, or even in single player or another server. Check it out. It's free!


Survive in the wild miles from the imperial city. Find a forest at the foot of a massive mountain, and lay down the very logs of your mansion. Relax in your wool bed with a warm fire. Or you can be outside on a grassy plain fighting off blood hounds, zombies, and creepers. Slaughter anything that comes in your way.


Build your dreams on Ulticraft for the world to see. Build a castle, or a small house. Make your creation seen! Just use /c for creative and start building! It's that simple! Due to hundreds of loopholes to gain free things with the ability to switch back and forth, creative is protected preventing access to chests, dispensers, q-ing, and using the shop.


Ulticraft runs on the UCF currency, which stands for "Ultimate Currency Form". You can buy and sell at the market using /market. You can apply for jobs, and get paid for what the job is. The economy is dynamic meaning if someone sells all of his coal to the market, the price of coal will drop. However if someone buys a ton of food, the price of food will go up. This is also for taxes. The taxes will range from 1 - 5 percent. You can also gain 5 percent interest for holding your money in your account. You do need to be online however.


We all don't like Griefing. We have systems that simply back up and roll back structures. Track items, inventory, economy, blocks, mobs, players, chat, words, texturepacks, X-ray, hacking, and virtually everything possible. There is no reason for Griefing. You probably won't even see it!


Our staff is very friendly and here to help! If you have a question, ask it. If you have a suggestion, say it. We love feedback! Cyberpwn is the creator and owner of the server. Nhvfx is the second owner and maintainer. All of the other admins are listed online using /info


Servers are ridiculously expensive. And it's all hitting our wallets. We don't like to force people to pay, and we love to give If you give. So we have created a rank called immortal. This rank will give you loads of features that you can't get anywhere else. And the best part is its only 5 dollars! It is a really inexpensive way to give back to your community, and get more! Also note that if you plan to donate over 25$ We will make a custom colored rank, that only you will ever have!


There are many ways to contribute to your server! Many of them take little or no effort, time or money! For example playing the server actually helps. Asking others to join with you, in person and online. You can use banners and tags on forums (please don't spam) You can vote, give us a diamond or like on planet minecraft. Literally anything can help! If you do want to send a donation to us, we will let you know exactly where your contribution has been used.


Join now and see the power of Ulticraft! Join at mc.auggn.net! You can also join with other ip's to come soon! You can also join irc on free node.net with #ulticraft! Or you can visit the map on your browser at mc.auggn.net:8123! You can also apply for moderation by going to the moderation request link. However at the moment we aren't accepting applications.


Do you remember TMCU? The Minecraft universe? TMCU.us? Well if that sparks a thought, it was a Minecraft server that lots of people played. If you recognize any of these player names than you most likely played TMCU. Cyberpwn, nhvfx, Puretie, jobohobo, vertical, nbamvp. If your username was here, this is the Same server, just better!

Additional Notes

Ulticraft is a unique Minecraft server with lots of power, agility, and a great community! Minecraft is a game to explore, create, and compete.

3 Update Logs

R1.2 : by auggn 03/18/2013 5:50:39 pmMar 18th, 2013

Ulticraft has just been updated to R1.2 for minecraft version 1.5! This version will contain the following changes below in the changelog section.

Do i have to update anything?

Yes. Update to 1.5!

What can i expect to change?

This update contains some anti xray systems. This means you wont see ores in xray. This also means that chests, and other utilities are hidden in stone, untill you are close enough to it to verify you can see it directly. You may also see ores flash from stone to the ore after you dig them. This also is updation your radius of visual ray pathfinding. Ores wont show up in <5% light.

The login system when you join now has a component where it will remember you for a few hours before asking you to log in again. However if you are online you will never be logged off of the system. You will be kicked for idling over 1 hour.

Immortal ranks now are bold and the text of the users message is now green. Demigod messages are now also bold and changed to yellow. Owners text do not shake anymore.

Also we have added music to the spawn. If you dont hear it, you will hear the next song. Songs transition to the next disk after each song ends. Each location is synced to have a song order offset of 2+-3

  • way too much to list!

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03/05/2013 11:05 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
chopchop9878's Avatar
THis is my fave server! Really Really fun especially when you like towny! I wanna become moderator or staff; its taht great!
01/25/2013 9:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jobohobo5598's Avatar
NVM lol. I found out how to. Someone Join!
01/25/2013 9:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jobohobo5598's Avatar
Hey! I tried joining and when I join it says you must be logged in. But I dont know how to log in or were to. The website that is above to join, Doesn't let me onto the website. And I cant even talk in this server without logging in. Please message back my skype is the same I think cyberpwn still has it I don't know is anyone else does but its conjobo5598. Thank you! Please reply!
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