ℙ¥ηℯ| My persona / Oc |Contest Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Online Persona Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

ℙ¥ηℯ| My persona / Oc |Contest

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Pyne Tree's Avatar Pyne Tree
Level 49 : Master Demolitionist
Alright... So this contest couldn't have come at a better time for me...

Color representation: Dull colors may or may not express my life in general. I don't own much outside blues, grays, and black colors. It also can represent my past, which will not be revealed.

Ripped jeans: In reality. the jeans represent my longing for adventure despite the hole I'm stuck in today. I can't do anything without my "family" around, which is why I escape to video games for temporary comfort.

Coat: The coat isn't a representation of much, besides my preferred temperature and weather. I love rain, and when it is slightly colder. (I'm also a history fanatic, so it could be that as well).

Hair and braids: The hair represents my life, innocence, or my beliefs. My parents don't think the way that I do. They believe I'm very much of a pessimist, but in reality they are the ones of such. I believe more beyond social equality which is where they fault at. Everything has potential, which they don't believe. I try to see things for what they are, and am honest about what I think, which is where they believe I am a pessimist.
Another representation of the hair, is the blonde I'll be dying it soon. I've always loved snow, which is where I believe it relates.

Shoes: I can't really say much about them. I have a pair, and they're reliable whenever I go somewhere.

ℙ¥ηℯ| My persona / Oc |Contest Minecraft Skin

About the character (Relevance at the bottom).
I've deemed the species to be a sorceress, because of my inability to choose. She has 3 forms of which I will put into skins in the future. Magic includes enchanting, form-shifting, small portal creation, air shifting, and weak force fields. Mana is the main source of energy, which is considered a liquid in a form of vein entwined with her spine. When running out of this source, Magic is not possible, and stability is sure to decrease. This could be cause be sudden temperature changes, a puncture to the spine, or an over usage of magic. Loss of consciousness I deemed to be a contributing factor. A few other spells can be conjured with a spell book.

Traits: Obedient, Honor bound, Quiet, Insomniac, Thoughtful, Trypophobic (More to come, I'm just a bit ditzy right now).

Likes: Map making, Violin playing, Planning, Conjuring, Reading, Day dreaming.

Dislikes: Lady bugs, Grey clicking beetles, Sudden temperature changes, Medical equipment, Large crowds.

(RELEVANCE OF ALL THIS? : I love the idea and concept of magic. Maybe I'm a dungeons and dragons fan....)


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05/26/2016 4:24 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Rivanna16's Avatar
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
05/06/2016 4:30 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Strawberry
Luminescent's Avatar
wow, i really like how you put meaning into every aspect of her. the shading is well done too. i love the colour scheme and good luck on the contest~!
Pyne Tree
05/06/2016 4:44 pm
Level 49 : Master Demolitionist
Pyne Tree's Avatar
Thank you! And luck to you as well!

I dunno if the detail is going to do much for me though... Because if the skin isn't like all the other thoughtful teen ones, who'd click just to read... Yah know? xD
05/06/2016 3:57 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
Novissia's Avatar
Ah, I love the meaning of everything put into this skin! I can as well relate to some events. Good job on this skin and good luck on the contest! ^-^
Pyne Tree
05/06/2016 4:02 pm
Level 49 : Master Demolitionist
Pyne Tree's Avatar
In means a lot to hear something about the meaning, rather than the skin. Not a lot of people think as a writer would. Labeling what it means to me if just another part of my daily life. c:

I'm not sure if you're entering the contest; but if you are good luck to you as well!
05/06/2016 11:55 am
Level 49 : Master Toast
yeol's Avatar
Goodluck on the contest :D
Pyne Tree
05/06/2016 11:57 am
Level 49 : Master Demolitionist
Pyne Tree's Avatar
Thank you! And to you too if you're joining it as well.
05/06/2016 12:00 pm
Level 49 : Master Toast
yeol's Avatar
I will..maybe tomorrow xD
05/06/2016 11:54 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Whale
geolucrog's Avatar
an excellent skin, although i wonder if the slightly blue right eye is intentional
Pyne Tree
05/06/2016 11:57 am
Level 49 : Master Demolitionist
Pyne Tree's Avatar
Thank you!
And yes it is. There's a back story to everything... Buuut I think it's better left in my mind. xD
