☆ βενεℜℓγ ☆ Rest.  (Contest Entry) Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed All I Want For The Holidays Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

☆ βενεℜℓγ ☆ Rest. (Contest Entry)

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Beverly's Avatar Beverly
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
This is my new persona/main OC, Onyma Elysion.

Also, a shoutout to FrozenMilk for inspiring me with this beautiful skin. <3

How This Pertains
Q: What the heck does this have to do with a holiday contest? O.o

Onyma is a mangled and weary young creature, living a largely solitary lifestyle. Humans terrify her; she is comfortable only with animals and other beings who are just as broken as she. She is often shunned and thought of as "cursed", especially for her gender-neutrality and disfigured appearance. (When forced into interaction with others, she typically either chooses the pronouns "she/her" or simply "they/them".) Onyma is frightened by many things and is somewhat unstable, and she has a temper of exceeding swiftness.

Onyma is a personification of many of my own personal fears, struggles, and emotions. One of the greatest things she yearns for is rest. Freedom from the voices in her mind, the madness, the terror, the desolation. Rest brings hope and healing.

And silence.

In silence there is liberty. Suddenly the entire world is opened forth round you, a thousand sounds and colours come alive, all in your own mind. Caused by nothing but your own imagination. No one can steal those treasures from you, no matter how much power they wield over you otherwise.

Q: Are you mental, Bev? I still don't see a single thing that pertains to the theme of this contest!

I have a very severe chronic illness that I've dealt with for the majority of my life. It causes extreme weakness, nausea, and constant fatigue. One of the greatest blessings to me is sleep. Rest.

This might seem a very shallow thing to wish for, but believe me, it is anything but. As I've stated above, it is a temporary liberation from pain and a bringer of healing, as well as a gateway to so much colour and joy and tranquility that I would have no opportunity to experience elsewhere.

That is what I want for myself, but also for you as well, and anyone else that is struggling with a physical or psychological disorder. I hope that each and every one of you is given a chance to rest, to heal. To see the world through renewed vision, finding a thousand wonders you never saw before.


Note: I expect to get some hateful comments on this. Please know ahead of time that I am playing on no one's sympathy with this entry. Take it for what it is worth, and please don't attempt to add extra meaning to it.

Name: Onyma Elysion
Race: Ghingko
Gender: Interchangeable
Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 1028
Birthdate: October 28th
Birthplace: Édelesse, Lighte

Likes: Full moons, trees, woodlands, flowers, animals, fireflies, stargazing, illuminated books, poetry, wandering, music, singing, mushrooms, jewels, stones, springtime, autumn, Luna moths, etc.

Dislikes: Settlements, humans, giant spiders, bats, fire, hunting, murder, bogs, cities, speaking, captivity, fear, dread, illness, fever, etc.

Fears: Humans, cities, murder, captivity, giant spiders, illness, destruction, bats, suffocation, strangulation, bogs, etc.

Hobbies: Music, animal speech, exploring, wandering, jewellery-crafting, poetry, reading, dancing, etc.
CreditFrozenMilk- Clothing inspiration

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Beverly 12/09/2016 1:06:03 pmDec 9th, 2016

Fixed the fox ears and face, added small details on clothing, fixed shading.

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12/13/2016 3:23 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Noodle's Avatar
love the clothing design and its intricate details!
And it is true that in your dreams you can conquer your foes :)
12/13/2016 7:02 am
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Thank you so much! <3
12/09/2016 9:11 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Toast
MusicqlNotes's Avatar

That's all I can say, I'm speechless.

good luck with your illness, you're getting sympathy even if you don't want it. ;3
12/09/2016 9:15 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Thank you. :)
12/11/2016 1:38 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Toast
MusicqlNotes's Avatar
You're very welcome. ;D

ily and your skins, jus ta quick shh note <3
12/09/2016 7:33 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
Oh my goodness ; this is absolutely beautiful ;o;

dont cry just craft

12/09/2016 7:33 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Thank you.
crunchwrap supreme
12/09/2016 4:23 pm
Level 41 : Master Zombie
crunchwrap supreme's Avatar
i'm not crying
12/09/2016 5:36 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Don't cry, dear. *gently soothes*
crunchwrap supreme
12/09/2016 9:19 pm
Level 41 : Master Zombie
crunchwrap supreme's Avatar
you are so sweet ;u;
