[Apocalypse] Arnold, the smart zombie. [Story] Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Apocalypse Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

[Apocalypse] Arnold, the smart zombie. [Story]

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Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Smart zombies are an intellectual revolution in the race of zombies, they are rarely mutated and are said to save the zombie race when born. Their intellectual capacities can be put to good or evil depending on who finds them first, in both cases he usually does not tend to mutual violence such as other zombies. Smart zombies are usually born through scientists or doctors and others.

Such as Arnold here, Arnold was born in a small village, living with his parents most of his life, his father was an anonymous umbrella scientist, in which Arnold had never known, his father had been cruel to his mother throughout his whole life, however Arnold held onto this cruelty and did not engage into any types of hatred with his family until Arnold became 18, Arnold had jumped into college when he was 15 due to him being extremely smart, he had entered all types of science majors and exceeded all of their knowledge, his father finally noticed that he could be of use to him. The Umbrella Corporation had gone wild, most of their labs were leading into a downfall due to the newly born apocalypse, an X factor had made the human race, animals alike become mutated creatures that serve only to kill and eat, while Arnold's father had been crazed more than he was already to end this apocalypse, he forced his son to go with him to one of the final lasting labs, Arnold's father had worked with other scientists to tie him to the lab chair, Arnold tried to force his way out but failed, his puny science body had failed him once again. Arnold's father and the scientists rushed and made tests, until a nightmare had been re-born. Arnold had screamed, his body was turning into a mixture of dark colors until he finally realized it. He had become a zombie.

Arnold could still control his mind however, it was fascinating for him, his father had grabbed onto a shotgun and aimed it right towards his face but a horde of zombies had broken into the lab and his father was too busy dealing with that, the scientists fled and the zombies finally took a-hold of Arnold's new form. The zombies were quite neutral with Arnold although they did not understand his state of mind, Arnold continued in the years of the apocalypse to pass on his knowledge to other zombies-alike, and protect their rights and try to end his mutation and the mutation of the others.

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05/19/2012 1:14 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Scribe
Hmmm.....I'm not saying it was stolen, but it looks very much alike (the head) to the jolicraft texture pack zombie.

Did you get your inspiration from that?
05/19/2012 1:18 pm
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Can you send me a picture or something? To be quite frank, I've never had Jolicraft before so I can't really say, but the model is mine.
05/18/2012 4:18 am
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
I updated the skin! :O
05/17/2012 4:05 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Scribe
looks cool dude hope you win
05/17/2012 5:24 pm
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Thanks. :)
05/17/2012 6:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nice skin! I enjoyed the story you added.
+ Diamond and Sub.
05/17/2012 7:18 am
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Thank you very much! I really need the support.
05/17/2012 4:14 am
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
Very good!
05/17/2012 4:58 am
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Much appreciated! :)
05/17/2012 3:57 am
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
+diamond if you like it, and comment with your feedback please! :)
