Baccachu! Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins


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3Ravens98's Avatar 3Ravens98
Level 32 : Artisan Blockhead
Once upon a time, there was an honourable male Pikachu called Romeo, and a sweet young Bacca named, um, Jeromiet, I guess, met and fell in love. They dated, married, and eventually had kids. This is one of their many children, a Baccachu! With the agressive skill of a Bacca to fight and the speed and agility of a Pikachu, this cute little fella is sure to beat yo' booty with a choppin' axe!!!

Why did I make this skin? I'm not sure. Just wanted to see how it'd look. I think it came out pretty good. Then I just made up some sorta backstory. I like doing that. Anyway, As you can see, it's just a mix of the No. 1 Bacca, JeromeASF and the most memorable pokemon, pikachu! Call it whatever you want, the Baccachu, the Pikacca, *sigh* the budder bacca . . .

But yeah! Hope you guys like it and if you have any other ideas for skins just say so in the comments or pm me or whatever-thatever-wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey-space-junk!

Thanks for reading, please subscribe to me here or on Youtube to Come Fly With Me and I'll see ya round!

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08/08/2013 6:13 am
Level 32 : Artisan Blockhead
3Ravens98's Avatar
I knew someone would say that, Coopers.
08/07/2013 8:08 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
Val-Dakota02's Avatar
This is awesome! :D
08/07/2013 8:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Wolf
CoopersAPleb's Avatar
Utterly horrific.
