Black Hat - Villainous Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Black Hat - Villainous

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nightb0x's Avatar nightb0x
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Sus
Black Hat
Black Hat is the protagonist in the brand new, Mexican, Cartoon Network show-
He is portrayed as a sharply dressed narcissistic inhuman fiend who does his part to make the world a little viler and its heroes a little more dead.
He is cruel and, quite evil (in my opinion mweheheh).
He physically and mentally abuses his scientist, Dr.Flug.
Watch all of the English dubbed shorts of the remaining series Here!
Right below these words!
"This is Black Hat! Here to turn your most disturbing thoughts into reality! Literally!"
-Black Hat in the beginning of Episode 1.

Black Hat

Black Hat - Villainous Minecraft Skin


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