Jade Harley ~ HOMESTUCK Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Jade Harley ~ HOMESTUCK

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nightb0x's Avatar nightb0x
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Sus

Jade Harley

Jade Harley
is one of the main characters in Homestuck. She is the fourth kid to be introduced. She has long black hair, round glasses, and a bucktoothed grin. She wears a shirt with a constantly changing blue picture on it, a belt, and a button-up long skirt. She was named 'Farmstink Buttlass'Sburb Logo while she was sleeping and thus she couldn't object to the name like the three other kids did -- however she wrote a note in advance about it.

Jade goes by the chumhandle gardenGnostic when chatting on Pesterchum and her web browser of choice is Echidna.

Her Associated Element is earth, and her Associated Item is Uranium.

Image result for jade harleyImage result for who is the second beta kid person you meet in homestuckImage result for jade harleyImage result for jade harleyImage result for jade harleyImage result for jade harleyRelated imageImage result for jade harley

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01/15/2018 3:53 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
EmuElf's Avatar
This is such a lovely Jade!!
01/16/2018 5:31 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Sus
nightb0x's Avatar
thank you !!
