Future Flash (DC Rebirth) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Future Flash (DC Rebirth)

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cool guy Guapo
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Princess

The Flash (Future), is from a twisted future in which he was too late to save those who mattered to him, which drove him over the edge... in doing so, he travels back in time to fix his mistakes... showing no mercy.

Future Flash (DC Rebirth) Minecraft Skin

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Inspector Scout
10/11/2016 3:37 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
If I'm correct, Blue Flash was part of New 52, not DC rebirth. Has he made a reappearance in DC rebirth or something? I really liked his back story and overall character, the fact it was Barry from the future who blamed himself for the death of HIS Wally West, shows how far Barry is willing to go to save Wally and prevent Iris from ending up in a wheelchair. To go back in time and try to kill his past self, really shows a side of Barry us as fans, have never seen before. If he is coming back in DC Rebirth, I hope they explore more of his character and his world, his time, I'd like to see how his lightning turned blue. In the comics V-9 didn't turn a speedsters lightning blue, it just gave a person a connection to the speed force.
cool guy Guapo
10/11/2016 7:48 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Princess
No, he hasnt reappeared in DC Rebirth (As far as I know) But I made him apart of the Rebirth skin collection mostly because he was one of my favorite villains in the Flash New 52 Story... I had to make him, but I didnt want to make another collection for the New 52 guys so I just kinda threw him into the Rebirth collection.
