Celestine Fusion - StLee's Persona Contest ♥ Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Celestine Fusion - StLee's Persona Contest ♥

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Hibiki Ekko's Avatar Hibiki Ekko
Level 71 : Legendary Spider Rider
Link to StLee's contest is here :)

The image I was provided to fuse/combine with Celestine was this:

Celestine Fusion - StLee's Persona Contest ♥ Minecraft Skin

This contest was so much fun to be a part of :)

Congrats StLee on level 50 and 500 subs! And Happy Belated Birthday!! ♥
CreditStLee - for holding the contest and I used the skin found at the link above as a guide to crafting this skin

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06/22/2019 3:25 pm
Level 46 : Master Bunny
StLee's Avatar
This is one of the hardest picture I've added to the contest, personally it's a very tricky picture. Glad you were able to overcome this. I was worried that it might be too hard when this picture was given randomly to you hahaha. Thank you for entering the contest I really appreciate it.
Hibiki Ekko
06/22/2019 5:10 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Spider Rider
Hibiki Ekko's Avatar
It was quite the challenge, to be honest lol As Kiwi Architecture mentioned below, the hair is a bit dark for the 'feel' of your persona, but the image provided left me no choice but to keep all aspects of your persona in the dark spectrum. I tried my best to make a beautiful dark version of Celestine♥
06/22/2019 9:10 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
Rainell's Avatar
Very nice ^-^
Hibiki Ekko
06/22/2019 5:06 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Spider Rider
Hibiki Ekko's Avatar
ty ^-^
