Destiny Trials of Osiris Warlock Legacy Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Destiny Trials of Osiris Warlock Legacy

  • 1,950 views, 1 today
  • 223 downloads, 0 today
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Archival Mind's Avatar Archival Mind
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
So I am working on a Trials of Osiris Titan (3 pix and 4 pix arm versions so I will release those tomorrow unless I am caught up with the update and other work (not MC skin work but RL work). I am keeping the old one up for archive (dun worry mods it looks different).

Year 1Destiny Trials of Osiris Warlock Legacy Minecraft Skin
Year 2Destiny Trials of Osiris Warlock Legacy Minecraft Skin
Destiny Trials of Osiris Warlock Legacy Minecraft Skin

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Archival Mind 11/12/2016 7:34:37 pmNov 12th, 2016

Added year 1 and dos versions

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