Fnaf Jr's: Foxy Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Fnaf Jr's: Foxy

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Level 61 : High Grandmaster Artist
Before you say anything, yes I know I've been gone for awhile, but my sickness got worse overtime and it made it hard for me to do anything for the past couple of days.

To that I say I am very...VERY sorry. I promised the content would come out soon, but that soon was estimated a bit late.

So let me make it up to you by posting Foxy! From Jr's!

It's been awhile so I may have forgotten how some of my formulas for posting goes, so please do not be upset with me.

That being said... Please enjoy wearing this minecraft skin of Jr's Foxy.

one of the 2 reasons as to why I have it delayed was
1. My sickness
2. Finding full body references
(Kinda explains why I winged it on some parts, so I'm sorry)

I guess I needed a break longer than I thought.

But now you can be most likely be expecting posts from me, I just need to start keeping promises that are within my range of doable.

I once again apologize for this delay. 😔😞


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11/25/2022 11:02 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Pokémon
JRs guy2008
10/07/2022 9:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
candle, the important thing is that you are fine, I was worried that you hadn't come back, then I had asked when you were coming back, I'm glad I posted the skin and for you is better, I'll always be here friend 😉
10/08/2022 8:58 am
Any/All • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Artist
That means a lot to me, truthfully.
it makes me want to keep going, and I thank you for showing that you care❤!

I will keep things on a lengthy schedule now. As to give myself a break here and there, but just enough time away for me to get to work!

Thank you for being patient with me 😊!
