FrostByte - The Blade of Glacia (66th Place in Contest) Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Sci-Fi & Outer Space Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

FrostByte - The Blade of Glacia (66th Place in Contest)

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AinzOoalGown's Avatar AinzOoalGown
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Necromancer
The Story

The flaming tundra of Glacia, ravaged by war. Glacians clashing swords with their mortal foes.

The Blazes from the planet of Netherin, with their close allies, the Ghasts, were in the midst of invading the frozen planet.

Interplanetary wars were common, where planets of varying degrees of power would battle other planets for resources, land or just for glory.

This attack was no ordinary one. The Wither, the emperor of Netherin, was there, personally eliminating Glacians who tried to oppose him.

He was after the Elemental Magus,a technological energy source left by the previous generations of Glacians to control the fierce elements of the planet.

It had the potential to be used to further his reign.

Suddenly, a Ghast falls towards the Wither with a cry. The explosion engulfs him in snow.

The snow clears and a lone figure, holding a frozen blade, jumps off the Ghast.

The mysterious assailant points the frosted edge at the Wither's three enraged heads andproclaims in a cold, metallic voice,

"It's time the Blade of Glacia turned the tides. This war ends here."

The glowing lines on this Blade of Glacia meant one thing, the Magus was inside it.

The Wither laughed. They brought the one thing he was fighting for to the front lines.The Glacians made a gamble by sending out the Magus to destroy the Wither.

As the two charged furiously at each other, the final battle for Glacia began.


FrostByte is a cybernetic automaton developed by the Glacians to protect Glacia from attacks by enemy planets. The Frosted Council ordered the mech to be activated when truly necessary.

Inside is the Elemental Magus that acts as it's power source and grants it sentience.

The built in enhancements include a wide arsenal of weapons that can be materialized instantly.

Thrusters of cold air on the feet allow it to hover in mid-air and it can also "cast spells" to freeze enemies, shoot them out of the sky or to conjure blizzards or snowstorms at will.


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Star Strike
07/22/2015 7:37 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Star Strike's Avatar
It's not letting me use the skin. It says I've changed it but when i check in game it's just the steve skin.
10/02/2013 11:20 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
pigstastegood's Avatar
10/02/2013 11:30 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Necromancer
AinzOoalGown's Avatar
Silent Cartographer
09/26/2013 7:50 pm
Level 46 : Master Spelunker
Silent Cartographer's Avatar
Great skin, love the design. Good lore/back story as well! Good luck in the contest!
09/26/2013 7:48 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Hunter
HumpFries123's Avatar
Dude this is a pretty cool skin, i like it!
09/26/2013 6:44 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Necromancer
MusaTheLegend's Avatar
I agree with LeafNode. This could have been an entry to the Arctic contest. Great job anyways!
Military Minecraft
09/26/2013 6:42 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Military Minecraft's Avatar
Keep bringing us great stuff! Diamond and subbed!
09/26/2013 10:44 am
Level 48 : Master Pyro
Pyroboy007's Avatar
Awesome skin, got you to 30 diamonds!
09/25/2013 4:02 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
warrior12121883's Avatar
I love your skins! Good Shading and Ideas!
Diamond! :D
09/24/2013 7:58 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Poro
Svenskeren's Avatar
I really like the shading on the skin!
