Overwatch: Gabriel Reyes [Reaper] Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Overwatch: Gabriel Reyes [Reaper]

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Level 48 : Master Artist
Three years later, I upload again a new skin for Planet Minecaft for your enjoyment. Today I bring you a skin of the commander of Blackwatch, Gabriel Reyes. It may sound like you have seen him as "Reaper" in a popular game created by Blizzard. Surely there will be better skins of it, but hey, this is cool.

You can use this skin for whatever you want (for rolplaying, artworks, having a skin different...) , but especially this skin has been conceived for the mod made by Furgl and 2Piradians, Minewatch. That, by the way, I'm in charge of the translation into the Catalan language of the mod!

Update: you can get two alternative versions of the skin here: https://imgur.com/a/uXxnC (For roleplaying purposses)


If you like the skin remember to give me your support and love! <3
CreditCharacter design: Blizzard Entertainment. Skin shader: sewa101

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Sargu 04/04/2018 5:54:25 pmApr 4th, 2018

Added alternative versions without the beanie and hooded. They are perfect in case someone wants to make rolplay. P.D: They are partial·ly based on the newest Overwatch's Digital Comic, Retribution

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