Guardian of the Desert Well [24th place] Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Boss Battle Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Guardian of the Desert Well [24th place]

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Retired Moderator
Level 50 : Grandmaster Network Architect
Welcome everyone to my contest skin! :D It's the long awaited (by me) guardian of the Desert Well. Yes the most Mysterious and useless structure in game does have a purpose. Do not use it! ever! Stealing water from the well will cause this Colosal beast to rise from the sands and exact his judgement upon you. That'snot a good thing. 0.0 like at all. He is made of living Sandstone and hase water flowing from his eyes into many channels in his arms. He uses water asa source of energy which he stores inside of his head. The head of this monster is actually a desert well, the rest of his body is hidden underground until he rises up from the deep sand.
Anyway this time around the story is much shorter (for al of you who don't wanna read a book xD) and I think it's pretty good, so why not give it a read? :D thanks for checking my skin out :D if you like it please leave a diamond! I'd like to make finals again :D and I can't do it without you guys :)

I was inspired by this screenshot I took of a desert well at an angle, his head is made to look similar to that :D
Hope you like my story and my skin :D
I winced as I heard his voice reaching out to me from the darkness..

but it was too late now, nothing I could do would help him. So I let him sink. Deeper and deeper into the sand I watched him fall, muffled screams ringing from the surface. It was over. I had finally done it, I could find the treasures hidden in this vast temple now.

It's been 4 days since I left my partner to die in the sand-cave under the desert temple. I keep hearing voices. They are wrong. I'm not a murderer... right?

It's been 2 weeks.. the voices will not leave.. they tell me I'm doomed, that I'm a murderer and I should die. Maybe I should listen. I'm really scared.

It has now been 8 weeks.. I hear the voices always now. They no longer whisper around my ears. They scream my name and my crimes and they cry out for me to die.. they say to go join my friend. They it's what I deserve.

It's the 9th week since I last saw my partner.. I can't stop the screams in my own mind, so I'm going to him. I'm doing what the voice are screaming at me to do. I'm going to die.

I'm here now, under the temple.. Nothing seems any different, apart from the strange structure that appeared just above this place. A well of sorts maybe? I am unsure. Now all I have to do is step into this bed of quicksand to meet my partner yet again..

It's gone! The sand has hardened! There is nothing left of him.................... WHAT IS THAT? (earthquake beneath the narrator's feet) I back up as suddenly from the surface of the sandstone rises a dark form with a deep red glow about it. It stares into my soul as everything goes blank.

That is all I know. I know not how long ago that was nor do I care. I am timeless. I am alone. I am immortal. I am the guardian of the well of dread. All who use this well are doomed. You have been warned.


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06/21/2015 5:30 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Awesome :D
06/21/2015 4:01 pm
She/Her • Level 50 : Grandmaster Network Architect
Thank you :D
06/17/2015 6:47 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
Diamond :}
06/17/2015 6:52 pm
She/Her • Level 50 : Grandmaster Network Architect
thx <3
06/17/2015 6:32 pm
Level 45 : Master Geek
See? I told you :D

I'm glad you finished the skin in time ^-^ It looks cool!
06/17/2015 6:34 pm
She/Her • Level 50 : Grandmaster Network Architect
Thanks :$ good luck to you :D
06/17/2015 4:06 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Nice use of the layers.

Good luck in the contest
06/17/2015 4:32 pm
She/Her • Level 50 : Grandmaster Network Architect
Thanks :D you too
06/17/2015 4:06 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
06/17/2015 4:32 pm
She/Her • Level 50 : Grandmaster Network Architect
Thank you :)
