Imperial Hovertank Pilot (Rogue One Skin Series #6) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Imperial Hovertank Pilot (Rogue One Skin Series #6)

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Level 51 : Grandmaster Droid
" The world is coming undone. Imperial flags reign. . . across the galaxy."
-Saw Gerrera. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Hello Everyone! JKTransformers back at it again with the Stormtroopers tasked with piloting Imperial Hovertanks, Hovertank pilots! We've seen these guys since the first Rogue One trailer, but with some more reference material with Rogue Friday drawing very near, I was finally able to make a skin of them! This skin has the grey shoulderpads and chest details like in the trailers, but for some reason the Black Series figure doesn't have these details (I can make that a variant though if you guys want). This skin was made a little different than my others in that I started with the legs, then arms, then torso, then the helmet. I usually start with the torso, but for some reason I decided to work towards that this time. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this skin as much as I do, and if you do, make sure to drop a diamond, favorite it, wear it around if you want, and leave me a comment telling me which character from Rogue One: A Star Wars story you'd like to see next!

May the Force be with you,

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