John Egbert ~ HOMESTUCK Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

John Egbert ~ HOMESTUCK

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nightb0x's Avatar nightb0x
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Sus

John Egbert

John Egbert
is one of the main characters in Homestuck. He is a boy who, according to this pageSburb Logo, has not been given a name until his thirteenth birthday; however, this is just a framing mechanism. In the past, he has ended letters with -ghostyTrickster (john). While originally given the name "Zoosmell Pooplord"Sburb Logo, the game rejected it and settled for John.

John uses an online application known as Pesterchumto communicate with his other tech-savvy friends. His chumhandle is ectoBiologist. It used to be ghostyTrickster, but he changed it to avoid the trolls. Oddly, he chose the name ectoBiologist based on a comment by one of the trolls.

His title may be a pun on his associated classical element, because interchanging the first and last words produces "breath of air".

His web browser of choice is Typheus, who coincidentally is the mate of Echidna, the namesake of Jade's web browser.

John's associated Classical element is air, and his Associated Item is oil.

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