Meta (Red vs Blue) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Meta (Red vs Blue)

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JakeIsDaBest1's Avatar JakeIsDaBest1
Level 53 : Grandmaster Herobrine

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09/16/2011 8:15 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pony Artist
Myahster's Avatar

Simmons: The big one, we call the Meta.
Doc: Rumor had it that those guys were disbanded, everyone went to jail!
Simmons: Yeah? Well I guess they got paroled.
Wash: You two, quiet!
Meta: *makes creepy hissing noises*
Wash: Then you need to stop trying to use all of them. You just don't have the resources anymore.
Simmons: Meta killed a bunch of other Free-Lancers, took their equipment.
Doc: Like the invisibility?
Simmons: Yeah, and the shield, and the thing that slows down time. He also stole their A.I. fragments, but those all got whipped out. Now something seems, I don't know, wrong with him.

