MGSV - Venom Snake Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

MGSV - Venom Snake

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ChileanMiner5's Avatar ChileanMiner5
Level 49 : Master Wolf
Not for any nation. Not for any ideology. Not for Justice. Not for Honor. Not for Power. Not for the Future. Not for Love. Not for Peace. Only for Revenge.

Hey there, guys! I've finally made a new skin, with some help. This was my first "real" collab, and I'm really happy with the results. I did all of the shading and shaping, but the camo was provided for me by one of my best friends, SanicTehHeuhug. The reason my progress is listed at 95% is because I kinda want to change the boot and shemagh shading. In actuality, however,  the skin is 99% done.

Big Boss, real name John, also known as Jack, and formerly known as Vic Boss, Naked Snake, Punished Snake, Venom Snake, or simply Snake, was a renowned special forces operative and mercenary commander. He founded U.S. Army Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND, along with the mercenary companies Militaires Sans Frontières and Diamond Dogs, and was one of the founding members of the Patriots. Big Boss later established the military states of Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land as bases for his companies, in order to realize his ambitions of creating a nation for soldiers. He was considered by many to be "The Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century" and a brilliant military leader, hailed as a hero by his admirers and feared as a tyrant by his enemies.

During the Cold War, Big Boss was an apprentice to The Boss, the so-called "Mother of Special Forces," and later served as a black ops field agent for the CIA's FOX Unit, under Major Zero.

Having his genetic code used as part of the government project Les Enfants Terribles, Big Boss was the genetic father of Solid Snake (his subordinate and later nemesis), Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake.

(Source: Metal Gear Wiki)
CreditSanicTehHeuhug, Hideo Kojima, Yoji Shinkawa

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06/30/2019 7:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheAgilityMaster_750's Avatar
Vic Boss?!? IT IS BIG BOSS!
