National Liberation Front soldier (NLF soldier or Viet Cong), 1960's Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

National Liberation Front soldier (NLF soldier or Viet Cong), 1960's

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JustAnNCRRanger05's Avatar JustAnNCRRanger05
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ranger
the National Liberation Front (or Viet Cong) was a Communist popular front that fought against the US army and the ARVN (the Army of the Republic of Vietnam) in South Vietnam during the entire decade of the 60's and in the early 70's. But were largely obsolete by the end of the war. They used homemade booby traps (e.g. Punji Sticks, Tripwire bombs, pits) they also made their own weapons but used weapons like the AK-47 (or the Chinese make Type 56 Assualt), RPG-7, and weapons that the French left behind after they abandoned Indochina in 1954. The Viet Cong were famous for digging tunnels making them hard for the US army to find and destroy. By as the war was coming to an end the PAVN (the People's Army of Vietnam) or as some people call them the NVA (the North Vietnamese Army) started to take operations in South Vietnam making the Viet Cong with no use.
Image result for viet cong soldier uniform

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