☆ βενεℜℓγ ☆ "Now feel the shadows hunt for my mind.. am I asleep or sound?"  (OC Marcíana ♥) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

☆ βενεℜℓγ ☆ "Now feel the shadows hunt for my mind.. am I asleep or sound?" (OC Marcíana ♥)

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Level 70 : Legendary Vampire

This is one of my Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
fanfiction ymbryne OCs, Marcíana Oriole. ♥

Art coming soon. c;

Marcíana's Bio ♥
Name: Marcíana Rosalia Oriole
Nickname: Marci, Mari, Mare

Species: Ymbryne
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 16
Birthdate: April 6, 1924
Nationality: Venezuelan
Current Home: Ivory Chapel, Blackpool, England
Accent: Venezuelan

Parents: Corvina and Julio Oriole
Siblings: Damaris (sister, younger, non-Peculiar)
Love interest/partner: Shipped with someone, but still non-canon. c;
Sons: None
Daughters: None
Pets: None
Other Relatives: Other Peculiar children

Height: 5’4’
Weight: 134 lbs.
Build: Petite, willowy, sturdy, wiry

Hair Colour: Raven-black, tipped with gold
Hair Texture: Very thick, straight, sleek
Hairstyle: Shoulder-length, sometimes worn in elaborate chignons
Eye Colour: Amber/golden-brown
Eye Shape: Darkly-lashed, striking, inscrutable
Skin Tone: Slightly golden, though pale
Distinctive Features: Gold streaks in her hair, very dark lashes and brows, angular features, slender limbs, willowy figure

Clothing: Colours) Black, gold, orange, burgundy, royal blue, violet) Actual clothing: Wears a tight and straight yellow dress with black sleeves and a deep black carving in back; black tights and high-heeled black shoes

Accessories: Thin gold-yellow headband, gold bar earrings, small gold ring with amber stone, thin brass wristwatch

Likes: Hot weather, rain, flowers, bright colors, exploring, music, fruit, sweet or tangy foods, sarcastic quips, dancing in the rain, the beach, singing, small groups of friends

Dislikes: Wights/Hollowgasts, being isolated, confinement, spicy foods, actual time travel, snow, cold weather, watching her other ymbryne friends leave for their own loops, loneliness, injury, feeling distrustful of “outsiders”

Fears: Hollowgasts, Wights, crossing into other time loops, deep snowdrifts, blizzards, being isolated in Blackpool, being unable to protect her Peculiar charges once she becomes a full-fledged adult ymbryne

Hobbies: Studying, playing guitar, dancing, swimming, exploring, spending time with friends/Peculiar “siblings”, climbing, singing

Flaws: Has a very quick (sometimes violent) temper, wary of anyone non-Peculiar, has a phobia of crossing into/through other time loops, has a habit of severely beating up her male Peculiar “siblings” if they tease her, sometimes overprotective of her younger Peculiar siblings

Quirks: Has an extremely powerful/unique singing voice, but slightly raspy/husky speaking voice, can communicate more with a glance or twitch of an eyebrow than words, is secretly very proud of her musical talent

Abilities: Shapeshifting into an oriole [blackbird], time manipulation

Personality: Brusque, curious, caring, very protective of those she loves, impulsive, bold, often hides affection/fear, fiercely loyal, musical, likes to laugh, innovative, savvy, usually optimistic, unpredictable

CreditMPHFPC- Inspiration

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11/14/2017 7:35 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Dwarf
I love this skin so much! Its so amazing!! <3
11/14/2017 7:44 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Thanks! <3
11/14/2017 6:45 pm
Level 34 : Artisan uwu
Looks great <3
11/14/2017 6:50 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Thank you!
11/14/2017 2:05 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Procrastinator
AHH, so amazing!

Oml I wish the series wasn’t just a trilogy. I’m still hopeful, however, because he left the final book so open
11/14/2017 6:51 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Thanks! <3

Ahh, I agree. ;-;
11/14/2017 10:34 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Cake
That is perfection!❤
11/14/2017 11:08 am
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Thank you so much! <3
11/14/2017 10:26 am
Level 29 : Expert Hunter
oh my gosh
shes so majestic and stunningly pretty o.o
can you teach me to make pretty skins and ocs please??

p.s. who's she shipped with?
11/14/2017 10:29 am
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Thank you so much, Haley! <3
Oh please, your skins are amazing! :3

Astoria, kind of, lol. x3 That's why I said it's non-canon.
