NPC Villager Re-do #1: Generic Villager Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

NPC Villager Re-do #1: Generic Villager

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FYIiamaspy162's Avatar FYIiamaspy162
Level 26 : Expert Spider Rider
Currently (And this is just my opinion), I think the NPC Villagers that are in the 1.9 Pre-release look a little weird (Their heads appear to be huge, they have large noses, their arms are always crossed, etc.) So I am going to upload skins depicting what I think would be ideal for the NPC village inhabitants.

This first one depicts an ordinary citizen, who minds his own business and roams about the city, sometimes walking to the butchers and coming out with a fresh chicken, or perhaps strolling into the blacksmith's shop and strolling back out with a good old-fashioned iron pickaxe.

Later on, I will be making custom skins of other villagers, including the priest, blacksmith, butcher, librarian and more.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by FYIiamaspy162 09/27/2011 5:38:48 pmSep 27th, 2011

Added shading and colour variations to give it more of a Minecraft-y feel

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12/23/2011 3:26 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
Kurochiugo's Avatar
and how do yo uaply this so it actually works cuss the files are different.
09/26/2011 5:17 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
QuantumDelpha's Avatar
this should be the default player skin :D
09/26/2011 3:20 pm
Level 26 : Expert Spider Rider
FYIiamaspy162's Avatar
Heh, thanks!
