NPC Villager Re-do #3: Farmer Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

NPC Villager Re-do #3: Farmer

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FYIiamaspy162's Avatar FYIiamaspy162
Level 26 : Expert Spider Rider
Currently (And this is just my opinion), I think the NPC Villagers that are in the 1.9 Pre-release look a little weird (Their heads appear to be huge, they have large noses, their arms are always crossed, etc.) So I am going to upload skins depicting what I think would be ideal for the NPC village inhabitants.

This third skin depicts what I think the village farmer would look like. He owns a little hut that sits next to his big red barn. He has an iron hoe, and 4 farms; 2 for wheat, 1 for melons and 1 for pumpkins.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by FYIiamaspy162 09/28/2011 1:36:00 amSep 28th, 2011

Added colour spots and shading to make it feel more like a Minecraft in-game skin.

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09/28/2011 7:31 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
MineCraftArchitect's Avatar
I don't he really looks like a farmer, sorry.
09/28/2011 3:24 pm
Level 26 : Expert Spider Rider
FYIiamaspy162's Avatar
That's fine, I had a bit of trouble getting a really good farmer look in Minecraft.
