NPC Villager Re-do #5: Priest Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

NPC Villager Re-do #5: Priest

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FYIiamaspy162's Avatar FYIiamaspy162
Level 26 : Expert Spider Rider
Currently (And this is just my opinion), I think the NPC Villagers that are in the 1.9 Pre-release look a little weird (Their heads appear to be huge, they have large noses, their arms are always crossed, etc.) So I am going to upload skins depicting what I think would be ideal for the NPC village inhabitants.

This skin, the second-last of this collection, is the village priest. Normally, they live the lives of normal people, roaming about the village, returning to their homes at night, buying things from shops, etc. EXCEPT for every seventh day, when in the morning, all of the villagers would gather into a single building, the biggest in the village. He would then stand in front of the crowd and preach until midday.

Personally, I think this is a big step-up from my previous skins; So please, rate, review and enjoy!

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10/11/2011 2:09 pm
Level 43 : Master Archer
X3Kross's Avatar
he looks like he may have a little itsy bitsy tear under his eye, but maybe that's just me.
09/27/2011 5:04 pm
Level 47 : Master Pixel Painter
Jaden850's Avatar
Nice man your really getting the hang of it :3
