[OC] Zena - The Eagle of Hope Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Above the Clouds Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

[OC] Zena - The Eagle of Hope

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wldscarlet's Avatar wldscarlet
Retired Moderator
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart

A paragraph from story:

"Humans had developed many new technologies since the age of steam, they found a way to make steam became a cloud and condense it to solid cloud using chemical made off smoke of volcano called "Vocahnola". Then they started to make a city on solid clouds and named it "Ento Skypia". The size of city was very large and there were five hundred people lived on it. Two hundred years later, it became one of the most crowded cities with numerous airships and balloons. Some people who had enough money started to make their own villages and developed their own tools and weapons to protect themselves from being invaded."

The Whole Story of Zena - The Eagle of Hope

"My note..."

"I was Zena, an assistance of Alladia, the forecaster of West sky light tower. I was caught by humans on lightning chaser airship after I tried to help one of their crew that had fallen from their ship after it got hit by lightning. They put me into their cage in the light tower, the room they brought me in was so dark but it became bright instantly when light from the light tower was reflected by glass windows on airship. I was sitting and my mind had nothing except depression while those people on airship were having a party on terrace because they would sell me as a slave when they reached their town.

Humans had developed many new technologies since the age of steam, they found a way to make steam became a cloud and condense it to solid cloud using chemical made off smoke of volcano called "Vocahnola". Then they started to make a city on solid clouds and named it "Ento Skypia". The size of city was very large and there were five million people lived on it. Two centuries later, it became one of the most crowded cities with numerous airships and balloons. The richest people ever built their own village villages and developed their own tools and weapons to protect themselves from being invaded.

After lands on the sky were not enough for their population, then they started to invade our kingdom, the Frisnovia, with their new high-tech weapons such as lightning gun that was so powerful. Our kingdom was fallen later and everyone there was forced to be slaves but I was safe from them until they found us near the light tower. Our parents were killed except me that was saved by Alladia until they caught me after I tried to help their crew that fell from airship. Humans were so violent.

Gray, a guy that I saved came to me from the party on and he was a little bit drunk and he thought an angel saved him. Suddenly, someone on the airship opened a glass window and it accidently reflected light from light tower into the dark room that I was caged in, everything became bright. Then he saw my whole body, he was shocked that I had wings. He thought I was angel but I was not angel at all, our ancestors lived on sky about one hundred thousand years before humans. Gray wanted to help me to escape from the cage and he decided to escape with me too. Luckily, normal humans usually were smaller than us, so was he, so I could take and hold him on my back easily. He stole the key from his captain then we escaped from light tower at midnight. Nobody noticed us.

I flew toward west sky following the Milky Way. It was a full moon tonight and the stars were twinkling while I was flying through fresh air from the sea. We finally reach the place and everything there was ruined by the human army. We then walked to the center of land. The Monument of Peace had been destroyed. I was depressed and Gray tried to make me feel better so he walked away to grab a flower with root in its dirt to me. Amazingly, that flower started to glow up while the sky was getting brighter with aurora light. Gray told me that I should be brave, that flower grew in the middle of decay of that monument. That flower was sign of new life and everyone could have new life like that flower.

I felt like I got the power of hope so I decided to search for the rest of our race and Gray wanted me to see some of his friends in his homeland if they could help me with anything. I met his friends and they helped me with making some armor and provided a room for me if I wanted to live with them. Two months later, I was ready to leave from them and start my long journey. I really hoped I would be lucky to see people that look like me again."

- - -

CreditThank you Thesinsofusmc for helping me with correcting my mistakes on the story!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by wldscarlet 07/20/2014 4:29:13 amJul 20th, 2014

Fixed 3d layer at left leg.

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10/08/2014 1:25 am
Level 47 : Master Gent
Jhent's Avatar
woa ive never seen this!
Monster Unicorns
09/27/2014 1:48 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Monster Unicorns's Avatar
I love the story and the skin great job ^^
07/17/2014 7:52 pm
Level 49 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
Congratz on 6th
07/19/2014 11:55 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart
wldscarlet's Avatar
Thank you! ^-^
07/13/2014 3:54 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Painter
hyprhare's Avatar
07/13/2014 8:19 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart
wldscarlet's Avatar
Thank you!
planet michael
07/08/2014 8:15 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
planet michael's Avatar
07/13/2014 8:19 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart
wldscarlet's Avatar
06/30/2014 4:31 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
TheEnderCat5's Avatar
This is awesome! I like how you write stories for each skin, great job. I wish I could make skins this good, mine suck :(
07/01/2014 10:19 am
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart
wldscarlet's Avatar
That means a lot to me, thank you! :D
