PSA: Monkey Business – Dodgy Marketplace DMs and How to Avoid Them Minecraft Skin
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PSA: Monkey Business – Dodgy Marketplace DMs and How to Avoid Them

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Auri's Avatar Auri
Retired Moderator
Level 71 : Legendary Skinner
Been around 7 months since Charlie Markets and the Lowball Offer, I thought I'd soapbox a bit more again.

This time we're looking at dodgy DMs.

The following is an excerpt from a direct message a friend of mine recently received (identifying details removed).
What's wrong with this picture?

PSA: Monkey Business – Dodgy Marketplace DMs and How to Avoid Them Minecraft Skin

Now I don't know about you, but commissions from an individual are usually just one skin - maybe two if your prospective client/patron is having a good day. But twelve? Sounds like a Marketplace pack.

That's because it was a Marketplace deal.

My friend, as previously mentioned, spotted the dodginess and quizzed their would-be client on it.
(Friend and suspicious client anonymised as Little Monkey and Scary Monkey, respectively.

PSA: Monkey Business – Dodgy Marketplace DMs and How to Avoid Them Minecraft Skin

Telling people after they ask isn't good enough. As skinners, knowing whether your work is bound for the Marketplace is crucial information, especially with regard to how much you should be compensated for individual commissions versus Marketplace work. See here.

If a Marketplace recruiter (or whoever else) can't be up-front with something that significant, they don't deserve your trust. That's a level of dishonesty you don't want, at all.

Now, to my understanding, this person (I must stress, do not attempt to identify them) has approached several other skinners with vague commission requests. Based on how deceptive these DMs have been, I personally wouldn't take them up on this offer.

PSA: Monkey Business – Dodgy Marketplace DMs and How to Avoid Them Minecraft Skin

Putting all this into practice, what're our takeaways?

I. Spotting dodgy DMs

Let's use the first message (shown above) as an example. The message offers very little detail, asks for an amount of skin typical of Marketplace packs (usually 7-12 skins per pack) and, crucially, neglects to mention that the skins are bound for Marketplace from the onset. Sus AF.

Most other Marketplace recruiters will offer reasonably detailed messages. They'll identify what team they're from, mention the Marketplace explicitly, etc. Now this doesn't mean you're guaranteed a good deal and worthwhile pay, but it's certainly better grounds for trust than the dodgy DM shown above.

II. Ask questions
If you've seen a DM that's this sus to begin with, I wouldn't take up the offer at all. In future however, you might receive slightly-less vague DMs or offers. Get in the habit of asking questions, get as much information as possible in order to evaluate the sender, the offer, etc.

In fact, even for Marketplace recruiters that have given you plenty of detail on who they are, their team, the work you'll do, etc., ask more questions - maybe about pay, why they like your skins, etc. etc. Why not have as much info as possible?

III. If in doubt, ask around
"Maybe The Real Treasure Was the Friends We Made Along the Way"
Actually, yes - if you've got other skinner friends, ask them. If you're in a skinner Discord especially, ask around. Chances are, someone's got some insight on Marketplace stuff that can help you out. Maybe it's sussing out dodgy offers, maybe it's worthwhile pay for Marketplace content.

By putting your heads together, you form a pool of knowledge and experiences that can help with navigating the fog that is the Marketplace.

IV. 'No' is an option
If someone's started out with the above dodgy DM or similar, it's probably not worth doing Marketplace-anything with them. Just say 'no' and move on to brighter pastures.

V. Be patient, take your time
Forgot to add this initially but take your time - rushing leads to reckless decisions. Go through the bits above, take time between messages. No rush.

That's all, for now. Look after yourselves out there.

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08/29/2020 8:38 pm
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Alien Architect
MugenCraft's Avatar
amazing skin i get bruno vibes <3
08/29/2020 10:32 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Skinner
Auri's Avatar
which bruno?
08/30/2020 2:43 am
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Alien Architect
MugenCraft's Avatar
Bruno mars "today i dont feel like doing anythig"
08/16/2020 4:50 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Skinner
Beanie's Avatar
Thank you for spreading awareness! It's really easy to get screwed over by dodgy companies <3 If I might add: Always ask for a % of your work! Your pack could make thousands of dollars, and if you only got paid $100 for 10 skins, it's really not fair. Also! I'm always open for giving people advice on contracts if needed <3
08/17/2020 8:43 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Skinner
Auri's Avatar
08/14/2020 2:54 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
F I N N L E Y's Avatar
Oml the same happened to me a year ago, it was a so called offer in a "marketplace" little did i know i was already scammed before being asked
08/13/2020 3:10 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Fish
Fishkiss's Avatar
very informative, do go on sir
08/13/2020 1:20 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Waffle
polkadotstingray's Avatar
thank you for saying this ! it was actually my first time doing commissions when someone had done this to me.
08/13/2020 12:12 pm
Level 26 : Expert Miner
anonpmc2382110's Avatar
08/13/2020 11:46 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lad
Romto_'s Avatar
there's a lot of sketchy shit going on with the marketplace. have u heard about the bbb thing?
