Red Scout (TF2 Collection) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Red Scout (TF2 Collection)

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Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, the Scout is a fast running scrapper with a baseball bat and a snarky 'in-your-face' attitude. He is very rude, and seems to think he can handle anything. He often acts a lot tougher than he can actually prove to be, though he's certainly not weak.

He is the fastest mercenary on the battlefield, and his Double Jump leaves slower opponents struggling to keep up, as well as it helps him navigate the terrain and dodge oncoming projectiles. Carrying a Scattergun and a Pistol, the Scout is ideal for aggressive fighting and flanking. The Scout is a good class for quick hit and run tactics for sapping away the enemies' health due to his ability to get in, do damage and dash away before even being noticed.
Name:UnknownLocation of origin:Boston, Massachusetts, USA[1]Job:Rapid Recovery[2]Motto:"Too. Much. Caffeine."[2]Render Jeux vido - Renders Scout Team Fortress  TFSpecial ability:Double jump
CreditTF2,TF2 wiki

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