Reggie Clover Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Reggie Clover

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PlasticArmy's Avatar PlasticArmy
Level 58 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Big, angry and fast, Reggieos always been driven by an overpowering need to dish out pain and suffering in equal measure, which is why his old career in the police force arguably wasn't an ideal fit. When chaos erupted on the streets of London, courtesy of Horzineos army of freaks, Reggie binned his uniform, strapped on some home-made armor and got to work cleaning up the world one mutant at a time.

More characters from the Steampunk pack to come

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08/01/2011 8:28 am
Level 22 : Expert Mountaineer
Mattlocker's Avatar
This, I have been looking for :D Good job mate, But he has no machete's on back :(
