Robb Stark, The King in the North [Game of Thrones] [Better in 3D] Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Robb Stark, The King in the North [Game of Thrones] [Better in 3D]

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Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Beware friendly internet companion... For below is dark and full of spoilers...

Robb Stark was, and always will be, my favorite character from Game of Thrones. A truly good person in a world of gray.

His whole story arc was really interesting, from his quest of vengeance to his moral choices, one of the greatest characters in the world of Westeros.

The North Remembers...

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04/30/2016 3:10 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Nice one... But didnt he got killed at the red Wedding? Why did you make it then, i mean he sucked at politics.
04/30/2016 3:27 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer
I think that's why I liked him. He was a lot like his father Ned, both were great and just people, just terrible politicians.
05/01/2016 3:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Well, Ned was good enough for the "Hand", trying to fix the issues but Rob just knows war and he know that he will loose his war.
05/05/2016 11:56 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Robb didn't know war when he started warring, yet he learned just like that. We were shown his quick ability to adapt while also keeping the honor of a Stark. Give him a hand in politics and he'd be similar to daddy Eddard; wishes for the best, tries to do the best, and won't settle for anything but the best.

Anyhow, Ned was incredibly worse at politics in his final trivial attempts at thrusting what he believed was right to the Kings' Landing scene, and we were shown this when he had both chances to work alongside Renly Baratheon and then even Petyr Baelish, in which he didn't settle. His unfortunate fate was much more focused on Joffrey's incapability of politics, yet if Ned had done a better job he'd not be in that position atop the block to begin with, so we're back at instability in politics for the Starks.

I think the focus of Robb and his choices was how similar he was to his father and stubborn in the sense that he barely learned from his own daddy's mistakes. Also, not to offend, but you don't have to be a great politician to become a skin in Minecraft.
06/03/2016 8:35 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer
I agree with a lot of this, but I think that's also the reason I love Eddard: he wanted to be a good human, not a good politician (not saying those two are mutually exclusive, well, maybe). He knew that Stannis has a right to the throne, and he wouldn't bend his honor just for power. And for that reason, he was killed. He couldn't break the corrupt politics, and he refused to play along. I guess that's why I like both Robb and Eddard: There's hardly anybody with honor in that world, and those with honor get slaughtered by the corrupt.

Here's to hoping that Jon Snow breaks that trend and succeeds where his father and brother failed :P
06/11/2016 1:54 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Unless Petyr pulls another surprise on us, Jon has Sansa, and Sansa has Jon. If Petyr has any schemes against Jon, and Sansa figures out, Petyr will be more exposed than ever. Petyr's political and manipulative tact comes from the ability of surprise, and that's wasted on Sansa for his attempt to turn her into a pawn. That was his mistake, because if an unknown person kills Jon, Sansa will immediately, paranoid and angry, look towards him with suspicion. As for Jon's other enemies, none of them are witty enough to pull a Red Wedding successfully, and the odds are and have been against Jon so long that he probably lacks any free comfort, so my bet is he'll be on edge up till he has all of the North in order. Even then, though, there are White Walkers coming, so of course we see a familiar type of story here; wherever Jon looks there may be enemies. He's been betrayed before, so his intelligence and attention towards even his closest companions may have risen, and if they have we can expect he'll not be taken by surprise as easily.

Sansa, on the other hand, is still naive in her own way, though so paranoid in fact that she'll never be unguarded enough for a quick kill. Because Jon doesn't know enough about Petyr at this point, thanks to Sansa refraining from informing him, he has no way to suspect him as the reason for any suspicious deaths or plots, and so Sansa is the only one in the North who has valid information against him. Thanks to that, if Sansa were to die, Petyr would be back in a game where he has nothing to fear.
04/30/2016 8:38 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Fish
Great skin once again dude! (big GoT fan ;-;). You've pulled this one off really well!
04/30/2016 9:37 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Thank you! I tried very hard to make it look as close to the character as possible:P
04/30/2016 10:32 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Fish
You certainly nailed it ;)
